Human Resource Management


Required courses:12
Introduction to Human Resource Management
Recruitment and Selection
Employment Law
Employee Relations
Elective courses (Choose six credits): 6
Organizational Communication
Theories of the Interview
Employee Development and Training
Compensation and Benefits Planning
Performance Management and Analytics
Social Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Public and Non-Profit Management
Human Resource and Risk Management
and SHRM-CP Prep II
Total Credits18


Vallari Chandna; Professor; Ph.D., University of North Texas*

Allen Huffcutt; Professor; Ph.D., Texas AM University*

Sampath Kumar; Professor; Ph.D., University of Memphis, chair*

Aniruddha Pangarkar; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Texas Tech University*

David J Radosevich; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University at Albany, State University of New York*

Md Tarique Newaz; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Texas Tech University*

Susan Craver; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.B.A., University of Wisconsin - Madison

Anup Nair; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.B.A., Birla Institute of Technology and Science (India)

Dylan Polkinghorne; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S., University of Wisconsin - Green Bay