Academic Standing
All students are expected to maintain certain standards of academic achievement while enrolled at the University. The University is concerned about students whose academic achievements indicate that they are not meeting the expectations of their instructors, or who are experiencing other problems that may be interfering with their studies. Students are considered to be in good standing when their cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher. Following any academic term at the end of which the cumulative graduate GPA falls below 3.00, the student will be considered on academic probation. Students who have completed 9 credit hours whose GPA is 1.99 or less, will be dismissed. If a student is provisionally admitted with a low undergraduate GPA, that student must complete the first 9 graduate credits at UWGB with a minimum GPA of 3.0. If the student fails to meet this provision, they will be dismissed.
Moving from Probation to Good Standing or Dismissal
- A student on Probation who earns a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA returns to Good Standing.
- A student on Probation who earns a 3.0 or better end-of-term GPA (not cumulative GPA) remains on probation.
- A student on Probation who earns less than a 3.0 end-of-term GPA may be dismissed.
Dismissal Review Process
At the time a student is eligible for academic dismissal based on their GPA, the Office of Graduate Studies will communicate with the graduate program. The graduate program will have the opportunity to make a recommendation to the Office of Graduate Studies, whose decision is final.
Readmission Consideration Following Dismissal
Following academic dismissal, students who wish to be considered for readmission to the same degree program, must first complete a minimum of 9 credit hours of letter-graded coursework, selected with appropriate advisement to ensure future success in the program. These 9 credit hours may be taken at any level (undergraduate or graduate), but they cannot include a repeat of courses for which graduate credit was previously earned, nor any other course that is a degree elective or requirement. Such coursework must be completed with a grade point average of 3.000 on a 4.000 scale or higher for the readmission application to be considered. Meeting this standard will permit consideration of readmission to a graduate program but is not a guarantee of readmission. Previously dismissed students who are recommended for readmission under this policy will re-enter on probation. Please be aware that coursework completed as an undergraduate student cannot be used toward a graduate degree, nor can any graduate level course taken under this consideration be used to meet degree requirements.