Human Biology Major

Health Science 

Supporting Courses 141-44
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Laboratory Safety (must take at the same time OR before taking chemistry)
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Introductory Statistics
Anatomy and Physiology options (choose one):
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Math (choose one):
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
Physics Options (choose one):
Fundamentals of Physics I
and Introductory Physics Lab I
and Fundamentals of Physics II
and Introductory Physics Lab II
Principles of Physics I
and Introductory Physics Lab I
and Principles of Physics II
and Introductory Physics Lab II
Choose one of the following 3 options:3
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
or Any literature course, e.g., ENGLISH 104 Introduction to Literature
or One year of any college-level foreign language
Upper-Level Courses33
Required Courses
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Choose three of the following courses:
Human Genetics
Cell Biology
Human Physiology
Human Nutrition
Biochemistry (choose one):
Analytical Chemistry
Microbiology (choose one option):
Medical Microbiology
and Medical Microbiology Lab
Principles of Microbiology
and Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
8 credits of electives - requires 2 under "Required lab elective" below 2
Cell Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Environmental Microbiology
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Animal Behavior
Comparative Physiology
Advanced Microbiology
Molecular Biology
Developmental Biology
Analytical Chemistry
Human Genetics
Foundations of Neuroscience
Reproductive Biology
The Biology of Women
Science and Religion: Spirit of Inquiry
Principles of Sports Physiology
Exercise Physiology
Art and Science
Human Physiology
Cancer Biology
Human Nutrition
Nutritional Biochemistry
Life Cycle Nutrition
Nutrigenomics and Advanced Nutrient Metabolism
Medical Nutrition Therapy II: An Integrative and Functional Approach
Maximum of ONE Psychology course
Physiological Psychology (Maximum of ONE Psychology Course)
Health Psychology
Laboratory Electives (choose 2):
Genetics Laboratory
Cell Biology Laboratory
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Developmental Biology Laboratory
Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry Laboratory
Medical Microbiology Lab
Human Anatomy Laboratory
Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Human Physiology Laboratory
Immunology Lab
Cancer Biology Laboratory
Total Credits77-80

 It is highly recommended that as freshmen, pre-medical and pre-dental students take BIOLOGY 201, BIOLOGY 202 and CHEM 211, CHEM 212, CHEM 213, CHEM 214 and consult and adviser.


Requires a minimum of two upper-level laboratory courses within the Health Science electives

Exercise Science

Supporting Courses41-44
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Laboratory Safety (must take at the same time OR before taking chemistry)
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries
Introductory Statistics
Introduction to Psychology
First Aid/CPR
First Aid and Emergency Care Procedures (First Aid/CPR Requirement may be met with Red Cross Certification))
Healthcare Terminology (choose one):
Healthcare I: Terminology & Body Systems
Fundamentals of Healthcare Terminology
Physics Options (choose one):
Fundamentals of Physics I
and Introductory Physics Lab I
Principles of Physics I
and Introductory Physics Lab I
Anatomy and Physiology Options (choose one):
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Upper-Level Courses39
Principles of Sports Physiology
Exercise Prescription and Evaluation
Motor Learning and Performance
Exercise Physiology
and Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Human Nutrition
Organic Chemistry Options (choose one):
Bio-Organic Chemistry
and Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Psychology (choose one):
Physiological Psychology
Sport and Performance Psychology
Health Psychology
Elective Courses (minimum of 9 credits including at least 1 from "Required Laboratory Elective":
Cell Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Environmental Microbiology
Principles of Microbiology
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Animal Behavior
Comparative Physiology
Advanced Microbiology
Molecular Biology
Developmental Biology
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Human Genetics
Foundations of Neuroscience
Reproductive Biology
Medical Microbiology
The Biology of Women
Science and Religion: Spirit of Inquiry
Art and Science
Human Physiology
Cancer Biology
Teaching Assistantship
Independent Study
Nutritional Biochemistry
Life Cycle Nutrition
Nutrigenomics and Advanced Nutrient Metabolism
Medical Nutrition Therapy II: An Integrative and Functional Approach
Required Laboratory Elective (choose one):
Genetics Laboratory
Cell Biology Laboratory
Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
Medical Microbiology Lab
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Developmental Biology Laboratory
Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry Laboratory
Human Anatomy Laboratory
Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Human Physiology Laboratory
Immunology Lab
Cancer Biology Laboratory
Total Credits80-83

Applied Public Health 

Supporting Courses38-41
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Laboratory Safety
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Introductory Statistics
Science of Food Preparation
Fundamentals of Healthcare Terminology
Anatomy and Physiology options (choose one):
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Choose one option:
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
or Any literature course, e.g., ENGLISH 104 Introduction to Literature
or One year of college-level foreign language
Upper-Level Courses30
Advanced Microbiology
Human Nutrition
Quantity Food Production and Service
Community and Public Health Nutrition
Microbiology option (choose one):
Principles of Microbiology
and Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
Medical Microbiology
and Medical Microbiology Lab
Organic Chemistry (choose one option):
Bio-Organic Chemistry
and Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Electives, as needed, to acquire 30 credits of upper level coursework. Options to fulfill this requirement include upper level courses in Human Biology, Nutrional Science, Biology and Psychology.
Total Credits68-71

Nutritional Sciences/Dietetics*

Supporting Courses35-38
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Laboratory Safety (must take at the same time OR before taking chemistry)
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Fundamentals of Public Address
Introductory Statistics
Survey of Nutrition Related Professions
Science of Food Preparation
Anatomy and Physiology options (choose one):
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Psychology (choose one):
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Lifespan Development
Required Upper-Level Courses43-44
Bio-Organic Chemistry
Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Human Nutrition
Quantity Food Production and Service
Life Cycle Nutrition
Community and Public Health Nutrition #
Community and Public Health Nutrition - Lab
Nutrigenomics and Advanced Nutrient Metabolism #
Medical Nutrition Therapy I: An Integrative and Functional Approach #
Medical Nutrition Therapy II: An Integrative and Functional Approach #
Nutritional Science Seminar
Medical Nutrition Therapy II: An Integrative and Functional Approach - Discussion
Genetics (choose one):
Human Genetics
Microbiology options (choose one):
Principles of Microbiology
and Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
Medical Microbiology
and Medical Microbiology Lab
Physiology options (choose one):
Exercise Physiology
and Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Human Physiology
Biochemistry options (choose one):
and Biochemistry Laboratory
Nutritional Biochemistry
Additional Courses (NOT REQUIRED) to Consider
Teaching Assistantship
Independent Study
Total Credits78-82

includes an accelerated option - Integrated with graduate Nutrition and Integrated Health program


Students must be granted permission through the department to enroll in graduate level coursework.  For more information, contact the MAT office or refer to the graduate catalog

General Human Biology  

Supporting Courses27-30
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Laboratory Safety
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Introductory Statistics
Anatomy and Physiology options (choose one):
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Choose one of the following options:
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
or Any literature course, e.g., ENGLISH 104 Introduction to Literature
or One year of any college-level foreign language
Upper-Level Courses30
Organic Chemistry options (choose one):
Bio-Organic Chemistry
and Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Choose one course from three of the four areas:
Human Genetics
Human Physiology
Exercise Physiology
Human Nutrition
Cell or Microbiology
Cell Biology
Principles of Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Elective Courses (minimum of 17 credits): 1
any 300 or 400 level HUM BIOL course and those listed below
Principles of Microbiology
Environmental Microbiology
Cell Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Principles of Microbiology
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Animal Behavior
Comparative Physiology
Advanced Microbiology
Molecular Biology
Developmental Biology
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Human Nutrition
Nutritional Biochemistry
Life Cycle Nutrition
Nutrigenomics and Advanced Nutrient Metabolism
Medical Nutrition Therapy II: An Integrative and Functional Approach
Only one Psychology course may be used
Physiological Psychology 1
Psychopathology 1
Health Psychology 1
Required laboratory courses (choose 3):
Genetics Laboratory
Cell Biology Laboratory
Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Developmental Biology Laboratory
Medical Microbiology Lab
Human Anatomy Laboratory
Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Human Physiology Laboratory
Immunology Lab
Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry Laboratory
Total Credits57-60

A maximum of one PSYCH course can be applied to the major. 


  • UW-Green Bay is affiliated with two schools of cytotechnology: the Mayo Clinic and UW-Madison.
  • Students complete 92 credits at UW-Green Bay, including all general education requirements, and then take an 11-month, 32-credit clinical internship at one of the cooperating institutions.
  • After completion of the internship, students will graduate with a degree in Human Biology and be eligible for professional certification.
Supporting Courses31-34
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Laboratory Safety
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Introductory Statistics
Select one (of 3) options:
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
or Any literature course, e.g., ENGLISH 104 Introduction to Literature
or One year of college-level foreign language
Select one (of 2) Anatomy and Physiology options:
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Upper-Level Courses15-16
Select one course from three of the four areas:
Human Genetics
Human Physiology
Exercise Physiology
and Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Human Nutrition
Cell Biology:
Cell Biology
Principles of Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Elective courses (choose 6 credits): 1
Human Genetics
Foundations of Neuroscience
Reproductive Biology
Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology Lab
Science and Religion: Spirit of Inquiry
Human Anatomy Laboratory
Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Art and Science
Cancer Biology
Genetics Laboratory
Cell Biology
Cell Biology Laboratory
Evolutionary Biology
Environmental Microbiology
Principles of Microbiology
Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Animal Behavior
Comparative Physiology
Advanced Microbiology
Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Developmental Biology
Developmental Biology Laboratory
Bio-Organic Chemistry
Bio-Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Biochemistry Laboratory
Human Nutrition
Nutritional Biochemistry
Life Cycle Nutrition
Nutrigenomics and Advanced Nutrient Metabolism
Medical Nutrition Therapy II: An Integrative and Functional Approach
(Only) ONE Psychology course may be used for upper level electives.
Physiological Psychology
Health Psychology
Cytotechnology Internship32
Internship 2
Total Credits78-82

Additional upper-level courses in Human Biology, Biology and Chemistry will depend upon the student’s choice of clinical facility. These courses should be selected with the help of a faculty adviser.


Students complete 32 credits of internship total over a 3 semester sequence. In some situations students may choose to pursue clinical training after graduation from UW-Green Bay. In this option is selected, additional upper-level elective credits are required. Consult an adviser for these situations.

Athletic Training*

Supporting Courses41-44
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Laboratory Safety
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries
Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Introductory Statistics
Introduction to Psychology
First Aid/CPR
First Aid and Emergency Care Procedures (First Aid/CPR Requirement may be met with Red Cross Certification))
Healthcare Terminology (choose one):
Healthcare I: Terminology & Body Systems
Fundamentals of Healthcare Terminology
Physics Options (choose one):
Fundamentals of Physics I
and Introductory Physics Lab I
Principles of Physics I
and Introductory Physics Lab I
Upper-Level Courses:26
Principles of Sports Physiology
Exercise Prescription and Evaluation
Motor Learning and Performance
Exercise Physiology
Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism
Human Nutrition
Psychology (choose one):
Physiological Psychology
Sport and Performance Psychology
Health Psychology
MAT courses: #26
Clinical Kinesiology
Foundations of Athletic Training
Therapeutic Interventions I
Psychosocial Aspects of Healthcare
Evaluation and Management of Acute/Emergent Conditions
Evidence Based Practice I
Therapeutic Interventions II
Evaluation and Management of Lower Extremity Injuries
Clinical Education I
Total Credits93-96

Students must be granted permission through the department to enroll in graduate level coursework.  For more information, contact the MAT office or refer to the graduate catalog.


is an accelerated option - Integrated with graduate Master of Athletic Training program