2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog Academic Catalog

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Environmental Science


Supporting Courses36
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology: Organisms and Evolution
Principles of Biology Lab: Organisms and Evolution
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Scientific Writing
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Physical Geology
Introductory Statistics
Mathematics (choose one of the following courses):
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
Upper-Level Courses 134
Principles of Ecology
Environmental Fate and Transport #
Environmental Statistics
Elective Courses (choose 15 credits):
Conservation Biology #
Radioactivity: Past, Present, and Future
Environmental Sustainability
The Soil Environment
Hydrology #
Water and Waste Water Treatment #
Environmental GIS #
Environmental Modeling
Stream Ecology #
Limnology #
Solar and Alternate Energy Systems #
Hazardous and Toxic Materials #
Global Climate Change #
Ground Water: Resources and Regulations #
Resource Management Strategy #
Atmospheric Pollution and Abatement #
Research Experience in Environmental Science
Senior Thesis/Research in Environmental Science
Plant Biodiversity #
Field Botany #
Environmental Microbiology #
Marine Biology #
Fish and Wildlife Population Dynamics #
Wetland Ecology #
Ecological Restoration #
Sedimentology & Stratigraphy #
Geoscience Field Trip #
Glacial Geology & Landscapes
Aqueous Geochemistry #
Total Credits70

Students intending to pursue graduate study should include additional course work of at least one year of calculus, at least one year of physics, and upper-level courses in organic chemistry.


Students must be granted permission through the department to enroll in graduate level coursework.  For more information, contact the Education office or refer to the graduate catalog.


includes an accelerated option - Integrated with the graduate Environmental Science and Policy program


Supporting Courses7
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Environmental Sustainability
Introductory Statistics
Upper-Level Courses 112
Choose 12 credits (no more than 6 credits from ENV SCI 497, 498, 499):
any 300-level ENV SCI course
any 400-level ENV SCI course
Principles of Ecology
Plant Biodiversity
Field Botany
Environmental Microbiology
Fish and Wildlife Population Dynamics
Marine Biology
Wetland Ecology
Ecological Restoration
Conservation Biology
Travel Course
Hazardous and Toxic Materials
Atmospheric Pollution and Abatement
Regional Climatology
Geoscience Field Trip
Glacial Geology & Landscapes
Stable Isotopes in the Environment
Total Credits19

Additional courses may be necessary to satisfy prerequisites for the upper-level elective courses that a student selects.

Curriculum Guide

The following curriculum guide is for a four-year Environmental Science degree program and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult an Environmental Science program advisor to ensure that they have the most accurate and up-to-date information available about a particular four-year degree option.

An example: Four year plan for Environmental Science Major
120 credits necessary to graduate.
Plan is a representation and categories of classes can be switched. Check with your advisor.

Plan of Study Grid
BIOLOGY 201 Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes 3
BIOLOGY 202 Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes 1
CHEM 211 Principles of Chemistry I 4
CHEM 213 Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory 1
MATH 104 Precalculus (or MATH 202 or MATH 203) 4
First Year Seminar 3
BIOLOGY 203 Principles of Biology: Organisms and Evolution 3
BIOLOGY 204 Principles of Biology Lab: Organisms and Evolution 1
CHEM 212 Principles of Chemistry II 4
CHEM 214 Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory 1
ENV SCI 102 Introduction to Environmental Sciences 3
WF 100
First Year Writing
or Research and Rhetoric
BIOLOGY 306 Principles of Ecology 4
GEOSCI 202 Physical Geology 4
MATH 260 Introductory Statistics 4
American Government and Politics
or Introduction to Public Policy
ENV SCI 250 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 3
ENV SCI 303 Environmental Sustainability (or ENV SCI 460 or PU EN AF 301 or Pu En Af 378) 3
ENV SCI 336 Environmental Statistics 3
ENV SCI 337 Environmental GIS 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
ENV SCI 305 Environmental Fate and Transport 4
ENV SCI 338 Environmental Modeling 2
ENV SCI 339 Scientific Writing 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
ENV SCI Upper Level Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
Research Experience in Environmental Science
or Senior Thesis/Research in Environmental Science
ENV SCI Upper Level Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
ENV SCI Upper Level Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
General Education/Elective 3
 Total Credits125

Engineering Dual Degree 

Cooperative Program in Civil & Environmental Engineering with University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Advisers — John Katers, professor; Patricia A. Terry, professor and coordinator

Website: www.uwgb.edu/nas/

Dual Degree Program

UW-Green Bay and UW-Milwaukee also offer a Dual Degree Program in environmental science and civil and environmental engineering. Under this program a student completes three years of study in the Environmental Science major at UW-Green Bay, then transfers to UW-Milwaukee and continues for two years in the civil/environmental engineering major. Upon completion of an outlined series of courses, the student receives both a B.S. degree from UW-Green Bay in Environmental Science and a B.S. degree from UW-Milwaukee in Civil/Environmental Engineering. Students wishing to enroll in this program should see an engineering adviser prior to registration in their freshman year.

Participants in the NEW Engineering Program typically complete 60 to 72 credits at UW-Green Bay toward the degree. This includes the completion of 18 credits of general education requirements specific to this program:

— 3 credits minimum in the arts
— 6 credits minimum in the humanities
— 6 credits minimum in the social sciences
— 3 credits in cultural diversity

General education courses are required of all students. These courses complement and enhance major coursework for additional exposure to other areas of knowledge and bring an understanding of the relationship among and between subject areas. At least 9 of the 18 required credits must be from courses at the 200-level or above or from 100-level courses that require at least one prerequisite.

A grade of C or better in WF 105 will satisfy UW-Milwaukee’s English composition requirement.

UW-Green Bay students are eligible to apply for advancement into the major at UW-Milwaukee at the point of transfer. The UW-Green Bay Academic Advising Office has forms. The filing deadlines are October 1 for spring semester, February 15 for summer session, and June 1 for fall semester.

For information on other engineering options, refer to the Preprofessional Programs of Study section of this catalog or contact one of the engineering advisers listed above.

Requirements for the Cooperative Program

All engineering and dual degree majors must take:

Required Courses
CHEM 211Principles of Chemistry I4
CHEM 212Principles of Chemistry II4
CHEM 213Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHEM 214Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory1
MATH 202Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 203Calculus and Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 209Multivariate Calculus4
ME 213Mechanics I3
ME 214Mechanics II3
PHYSICS 201Principles of Physics I4
PHYSICS 202Principles of Physics II4
WF 100First Year Writing3
Total Credits39

See an adviser for additional requirements in aerospace, chemical, nuclear, and petroleum engineering. 


Mathew E Dornbush; Professor; Ph.D., Iowa State University*

Michael L Draney; Professor; Ph.D., University of Georgia*

Patrick S Forsythe; Professor; Ph.D., Michigan State University, chair*

John F Katers; Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University*

John A Luczaj; Professor; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University*

Mohammad Mahfuz; Professor; Ph.D., University of Ottawa*

Patricia A Terry; Professor; Ph.D., University of Colorado*

Michael E Zorn; Professor; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison*

Lisa Grubisha; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of California - Berkeley*

Jeremy J Intemann; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Iowa State University*

Tetyana Malysheva; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

Michael J McIntire; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of California - Riverside

Brian Welsch; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Montana State University

Julie M Wondergem; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University

Elie Atallah; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., University of Central Florida

Mary E Guy; Associate Teaching Professor; M.S., University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh