Organizational Leadership Major

Applied Communication

Supporting Courses9
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose 2 courses):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Business and Media Writing
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Applied Communication Electives:12
Choose 12 credits of 300/400-level COMM courses
Total Credits39

Business Administration

Supporting Courses9
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Business Administration Emphasis: (Choose 4 courses)12-13
Small Business Management & Family Entrepreneurship
Leadership Development
Organizational Culture & Design
Project Management
Advanced Supply Chain Management
Total Credits39-40

Criminal Justice Administration  

Organizational Leadership Core
Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one course):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses30
Required Courses:
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Choose one of the following:
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Organizational Behavior
Criminal Justice Administration Emphasis
Required Course
Politics of Crime and Punishment
Elective Courses (choose 3 courses)
Immigration and Immigration Policy
Deviant Behavior
Street Gangs in America
Criminal Justice Systems, Administration, and Processes
Philosophy, Politics and Law
Natural Resources Policy, Law, and Administration
Total Credits36

Early Childhood Education

Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Early Childhood Education Emphasis:18
Required courses:
Supporting Learning and Behavior in the Classroom
Introduction to the Art and Science of Teaching
Current Trends in Education
Infancy and Early Childhood Development
Elective (6 credits):
any upper-level EDUC or PSYCH course
Total Credits42

Emergency Management*

Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Emergency Management Emphasis (choose 12 credits):12
Principles and Practices of Emergency Management #
Strategic Emergency Preparedness, Planning and Implementation #
Disaster Response Operations and Management #
Disaster Recovery
Political and Policy Dimensions of Emergency Management #
Total Credits36

includes an Accelerated option - Integrated with graduate Public Administration program


Students must be granted permission through the department to enroll in graduate level coursework.  For more information, contact the graduate Management office or refer to the graduate catalog


Environmental Policy & Planning 

Supporting Courses9
Environment and Society
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Environmental Policy and Planning (choose 4 courses):12
Sustainable Land Use
Transitioning to Sustainable Communities
Coastal Resources Policy and Management
Environmental Politics and Policy
Public Policy Analysis
Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation
Total Credits39

Management in Health Systems

Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Choose one :
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Healthcare Management Emphasis:12
Health Care Systems
Healthcare Management
Healthcare Economics & Policy
Population Healthcare Management
Total Credits36

Public and Nonprofit Management*

Supporting Courses9
Introduction to Leadership
Introduction to Public and Nonprofit Service
Communication Skills (choose one):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management #
Choose one
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Public and Nonprofit Management Emphasis (choose 12 credits):12
Administrative Law #
Public and Non-Profit Management
Philanthropy: Civic Engagement through Giving
Service in the Public Sector #
Public Policy Analysis
Public and Nonprofit Budgeting
Marketing, Fund Development, and Grant Writing for Nonprofits #
Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation #
Total Credits39

includes an Accelerated option - Integrated with graduate Public Administration program


Students must be granted permission through the department to enroll in graduate level coursework.  For more information, contact the graduate Management office or refer to the graduate catalog

Rising Leadership 

Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Choose one:
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Rising Leadership Emphasis15
Rising Leadership
Gender & Equity in Organizational Leadership
Sociological Perspectives on Gender
Gender in Popular Culture
Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Total Credits39


Organizational Leadership Core
Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one course):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Choose one of the following:
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Organizational Behavior
Self-Directed Emphasis12
Choose 12 credits of 300 - 400 upper level courses approved by an adviser.
Total Credits36