

Overview of the RN-BSN Program

UW-Green Bay has a rich history of offering RN to BSN both on campus and online as a part of the collaborative UW BSN@HOME program. The RN-BSN program is designed for associate degree registered nurses looking to advance their career. This accredited, high quality program is designed to be nurse friendly, flexible, and meet the needs of adult learners and working registered nurses. Faculty employ innovative, media enhanced technologies to engage students.

The program consists of 120 credits for the BSN degree that builds on the foundation of the associate degree or diploma in nursing. Prior learning is acknowledged through liberal credit transfer. The RN transfers at least 60 credits through articulation agreements. Additional credits completed at other universities, colleges, or community colleges may also transfer. The curriculum includes general education (18 credits), nursing support courses (12-15 credits), and upper level RN-BSN courses (30 credits).  The online upper level RN-BSN courses are offered in 7 and 14-week sessions including the summer term.  

The curriculum is designed to help students:

  • Discover the latest evidence based nursing practice

  • Understand how health policy impacts practice

  • Expand knowledge of population health through practicum experiences close to home

  • Examine cultural and global health issues facing nurses

  • Learn recent advances in informatics & innovative healthcare technologies

Admission Requirements:

  •  Earned Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or diploma in nursing

  •  Grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) on post-secondary coursework

  •  Current, unencumbered RN license from any state

Nurse 1-2-1

This unique program is designed for high school students who would like to earn a BSN through the combined resources of the nursing programs at UW-Green Bay and Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC). Prospective high school students admitted to UW-Green Bay complete a NURSE 1-2-1 application in fall of their senior year.  Students complete general education and support courses in Year 1 at UW-Green Bay; complete the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) at NWTC in Years 2 and 3; and return to UW-Green Bay Year 4 to complete the BSN degree.

BSN- MSN Accelerated Leadership Option 

UW-Green Bay offers an accelerated path to the MSN Leadership and Management degree for qualified RN-BSN students (see below for eligibility criteria).  Pay undergraduate tuition rates while you earn up to nine graduate credits. This option allows qualified undergraduate students to enroll in three specific MSN courses (NUR 737 Leadership in Complex Systems; NUR 734 Evaluation and Evidence-Based Practices; NUR 760 Informatics for Nursing Leaders). 

 These courses: 

  • satisfy both the undergraduate (RN-BSN) and graduate course requirements (after admission to the MSN program), 
  • provide more advanced content than the equivalent undergraduate course. Refresher content is available for reference, 

BSN-MSN Accelerated Leadership Option Eligibility Criteria

  • Experience in a leadership role
  • Completion of at least six RN-BSN upper level credits with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher

For more information about the BSN-MSN Accelerated Leadership Option click here ; For more information about the MSN program, click here

BSN (Prelicensure & RN-BSN) End-of-Program Outcomes (based on the 2021 AACN Essentials):

  1. Integrate liberal arts and interdisciplinary knowledge to develop clinical judgment and inform evidence-based nursing care across the lifespan, while systematically evaluating, translating, and applying evidence to transform healthcare through the synthesis of nursing knowledge. Domains 1 & 4
  2. Demonstrate individualized, holistic, and evidence-based nursing care that integrates the values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, and social justice within the context of individuals and their support system. Domain 2
  3. Engage collaboratively with community-based stakeholders to promote data-driven, evidence-based care strategies that foster nursing innovation, equitable health outcomes, and high-quality care to diverse populations. Domain 3
  4. Exhibit quality improvement, safety, and sustainability principles to enhance care quality, minimize risks, and provide equitable care to diverse populations across healthcare environments. Domain 5 & 7
  5. Exemplify professionalism by fostering interprofessional collaboration, building partnerships, and communicating effectively within healthcare teams to optimize care and enhance nursing’s role. Domain 6 & 9
  6. Utilize informatics and healthcare technologies within nursing practice to support informed decision-making, and facilitate evidence-based strategies to promote the delivery of high-quality, equitable care. Domain 8
  7. Engage in activities and self-reflection that foster resilience and well-being, contribute to lifelong learning, and support the acquisition of nursing expertise and the assertion of leadership. Domain 10
Nursing Support18-20
Therapeutic Nursing Intervention Electives (6 credits)
Principles of Financial Accounting
Varieties of World Culture
Introduction to Business
Spreadsheet and Information Systems
Organizational Communication
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Human Nutrition
Infancy and Early Childhood Development
Middle Childhood and Adolescent Development
Adult Development and Aging
Dying, Death, and Loss
Theories of Personality
Counseling and Psychotherapy
Sociology of the Family
Introduction to the Spanish Language I
Communication (choose 1 course):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Statistics (choose 1 course):
Introduction to Business Statistics
Statistics for Healthcare
Introductory Statistics
Social Science Statistics
Chemistry (choose one):
Survey of General, Organic and Biochemistry
Principles of Chemistry I
Principles of Chemistry II
Critical Thinking Elective (choose 1 course): 1
Law and the Individual
Macro Economic Analysis
Micro Economic Analysis
First Nations Intellectual Traditions
Biotechnology and Human Values
Ethnic Diversity in America Past and Present
Information Problems
Introduction to Philosophy
Contemporary Ethical Issues
Is Morality for Sale?
Biomedical Ethics
Philosophy, Religion, and Science
Ancient Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Introduction to Public Policy
Upper-Level Nursing 230
Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice
Chronic Care Management
Research and Evidence-Based Practice #
Evaluation and Evidence-Based Practice
Leadership and Management #
Leadership in Complex Systems
Information Management and Healthcare Technology #
Informatics for Nursing Leaders
Community Health Nursing
Community Health Nursing Practicum
Synthesis for Nursing Practice
Special Topics in Nursing (Repeatable; 2 topics required; 6 credits total)
Total Credits48-50

includes an accelerated option - Integrated with graduate MSN Leadership program


Critical thinking elective can be satisfied by certain humanities courses such as philosophy, or taken as a separate course.


Progression/Graduation Policy: Students in the nursing major must receive a grade of C or better in all upper-level nursing courses. For clarification, receiving a grade of CD or C-minus necessitates retaking the course and receiving a grade of C or better.


Students must be granted permission to enroll in Graduate level coursework.  For more information, please contact the Nursing department or refer to the Graduate catalog

Traditional 4yr  

Overview of the Traditional BSN Program

The Traditional BSN program prepares nurse generalists to work in hospitals, long-term care, and community settings. The professional (BSN) portion of the curriculum includes 65 credits and is designed to be completed in five semesters of full time study. A concept-based approach is used to foster development of clinical reasoning by assisting students to sort, analyze, and find connections in health information.

The concepts are categorized around three main categories: Healthcare Recipient Concepts (e.g., Functional Ability, Family Dynamics, Culture), Health and Illness Concepts (e.g., Homeostasis, Protection, Mood), and Professional Nursing Concepts (e.g., Nursing Roles, Collaboration, Population Health, Healthcare Economics). The concepts are introduced and reinforced throughout the curriculum using exemplars or case examples that a nurse will experience in their practice.  For example, the concept of immunity may be taught as a primary or interrelated concept at several points in the curriculum using exemplars such as rheumatoid arthritis, vaccination of children and adults, allergic reactions, or when understanding the immuno-compromised state a patient experiencing cancer treatment often faces.  Students and faculty will engage in active learning strategies designed to emphasize application of material rather than rote memorization. 

Graduates will be prepared to sit for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensure Exam (NCLEX-RN).

Admission Requirements- Prospective nursing students apply in March the year prior to starting the Traditional BSN program.  

To be considered for the Traditional BSN Program, applicants must have:

  • 30 completed college credits including at least 3 of the following 4 science courses completed or in progress 
  • Minimum 3.0 college GPA with no required science course grade lower than a "C" 
  • Preferred criteria:
    • Completion of Nursing Assistant Course (must be completed prior to starting nursing courses)
    • Healthcare experience
    • Community service/Volunteer experience
    • Bilingual

Admission to the Traditional Nursing program is competitive.  Completion of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the nursing major.  

For application information including a link to the application click here

Admitted students must complete a Criminal Background Check (cost incurred by student) and results must comply with standards required for clinical placement. 

BSN (Prelicensure & RN-BSN) End-of-Program Outcomes (based on the 2021 AACN Essentials)

  1. Integrate liberal arts and interdisciplinary knowledge to develop clinical judgment and inform evidence-based nursing care across the lifespan, while systematically evaluating, translating, and applying evidence to transform healthcare through the synthesis of nursing knowledge. Domains 1 & 4
  2. Demonstrate individualized, holistic, and evidence-based nursing care that integrates the values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, and social justice within the context of individuals and their support system. Domain 2
  3. Engage collaboratively with community-based stakeholders to promote data-driven, evidence-based care strategies that foster nursing innovation, equitable health outcomes, and high-quality care to diverse populations. Domain 3
  4. Exhibit quality improvement, safety, and sustainability principles to enhance care quality, minimize risks, and provide equitable care to diverse populations across healthcare environments. Domain 5 & 7
  5. Exemplify professionalism by fostering interprofessional collaboration, building partnerships, and communicating effectively within healthcare teams to optimize care and enhance nursing’s role. Domain 6 & 9
  6. Utilize informatics and healthcare technologies within nursing practice to support informed decision-making, and facilitate evidence-based strategies to promote the delivery of high-quality, equitable care. Domain 8
  7. Engage in activities and self-reflection that foster resilience and well-being, contribute to lifelong learning, and support the acquisition of nursing expertise and the assertion of leadership. Domain 10
Supporting Courses
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Survey of General, Organic and Biochemistry
Survey of General, Organic, and Biochemistry Laboratory
Laboratory Safety
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Lifespan Development
Adult Development and Aging
Microbiology: Choose one of the following4
Principles of Microbiology
and Principles of Microbiology Laboratory
Medical Microbiology
and Medical Microbiology Lab
Anatomy & Physiology: Choose one of the following5-8
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Statistics: Choose one of the following4
Introductory Statistics
Social Science Statistics
Nutrition: Choose one of the following3
Ethnic Influences on Nutrition
Art and Science of Healthy Food Preparation
Food and Nutritional Health
World Food and Population Issues
Human Nutrition
Communication: Choose one of the following3
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Required Nursing Courses:14
Introduction to Professional Nursing Concepts
Communicating and Managing Healthcare Information
Health Assessment for Nursing Practice
Basic & Intermediate Nursing Skills and Simulation
Pathophysiology Concepts for Nursing Practice
Foundations of Nursing Practice: Practicum/Experiential Learning
Upper-Level Courses 1
Required Nursing Courses51
Pharmacology for Nursing Practice
Healthy Aging and Chronic Care Management
Health & Illness Concepts I
Health & Illness Concepts I: Advanced Nursing Skills/Simulation
Health & Illness Concepts I: Practicum
Quality Improvement
Professional Development I: Nursing Theory, Image and Ethics
Health & Illness Concepts II
Evidence-Based Practice: Translating Research to Practice
Alterations in Health & Illness II: Practicum/Simulation
Leadership for Sustainable Healthcare: Health Disparities, Health Equity, & the Nursing Profession
Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
Behavioral Health Care Management
Nursing with Diverse Populations Practicum
Population/Community Health Nursing Theory
Population/Community Health Nursing Practicum
Health & Illness Concepts III: Complex Care
Care Transitions Practicum Immersion
Professional Development: Navigating the Nursing Profession
Leadership: Nursing in an Evolving Healthcare System
Total Credits102-105

Progression/Graduation Policy: Students in the nursing major must receive a grade of C or better in all upper-level nursing courses. For clarification, receiving a grade of CD or C-minus necessitates retaking the course and receiving a grade of C or better.


Christine L Vandenhouten; Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University, chair*

Myunghee Jun; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Seoul National University

Susan Hopkinson; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., University of Maryland - Baltimore*

Jenna Liphart-Rhoads; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Capella University*

Cheryl Passel; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Marian University*

Jaclyn Holm; Associate Teaching Professor; M.S., Bellin College

Laura Gallahan; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S., Indiana State University

Heidi Neverman; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S.N., University of Mary

Erica Rollin; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S., University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh

John Sponholtz; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S.N.E., Grand Canyon University

Curriculum Guides  

The following are curriculum guides for a four-year Nursing degree program and are subject to change without notice. Students should consult a Nursing program advisor to ensure that they have the most accurate and up-to-date information available about a particular four-year degree option.

  • RN-BSN
  • Nursing 1-2-1
  • Traditional 4yr Nursing