

Supporting Courses6
Choose one of the following courses:
Debating American Democracy
American History to 1865
History of the United States from 1865 to the Present
Introduction to African-American History
American Environmental History
Law and Equality in Historical Perspective
Choose one of the following courses:
Foundations of Western Culture I
Foundations of Western Culture II
World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II
Debating European History
Upper-Level Courses 112
Choose a minimum of one of the following courses:
United States Immigration History
American Colonial History
The Early American Republic
Topics in African American History
The U.S. and the World
U.S. Labor and the Working Class: Past and Present
History of Sexuality in the U.S.
U.S. Women's History
Voyageur Magazine Practicum
Topics in U.S. History
Historical Perspectives on American Democracy
Topics in Democracy and Justice (All topics excluding South Africa.)
Wisconsin First Nations History
Choose a minimum of one of the following courses:
History of Modern Germany
Global Environmental History
Europe in the 19th Century
Europe in the 20th Century
Contemporary Europe
History of Modern Africa
Topics in Medieval History
Topics in Early Modern European History
Topics in Modern European History
Nazi Germany
Topics in Democracy and Justice (Topic: South Africa)
Any other 300-400 History courses may be used to complete this requirement
Total Credits18

Students are required to take one course from Category I and one course from Category II as listed under the major.  The remaining 6 credits may be selected from any 300- or 400- level History course, or DJS 361 or FNS 374.


Mark Karau; Professor; Ph.D., Florida State University

Jon K Shelton; Professor; Ph.D., University of Maryland

Heidi M Sherman; Professor; Ph.D., University of Minnesota

David J Voelker; Professor; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Clifton G Ganyard; Associate Professor; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo

Daniel Kallgren; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

John P Leary; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison*

James Vincent Lowery; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Mississippi

Eric J Morgan; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder

Kimberley A Reilly; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Chicago, chair

Lisa Lamson; Associate Teaching Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University