English Major

Creative Writing

Supporting Courses15
Ethics in Writing
Introduction to Creative Writing
Literary Studies
Choose 1 additional Lower-Level Literature Course:
Women in Literature
Introduction to English Literature I
Introduction to English Literature II
Introduction to American Literature I
Introduction to American Literature II
World Literatures
World Literatures II
Multicultural American Literature
Topics in Literature
Upper-Level Courses24
Intermediate Creative Writing
Upper-Level Writing Workshops (choose 2 courses):
Short Fiction Writing Workshop
Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop
Creative Nonfiction Writing
Novel Writing Workshop
Novel Revision Workshop
Writing the Environment Workshop
Co-Creative Writing Workshop
Topics in Game Writing
Topics in Creative Writing
Topics in Professional & Technical Writing
Upper-Level Literature courses (choose 4 courses): 1
The British Novel
Children's and Adolescent Literature
Major Drama
Major Poetry
Topics in Publishing
Major American Prose Fiction
Literary Themes
Literary Eras
American Ethnic Literature
World Literatures
History of the English Language
African American Literature
LGBTQ Literature
Literary Topics
Major Author(s)
Practicum (Choose 1 course)
Sheepshead Review Practicum
Live Video Streaming Practicum
Book Editing Practicum
Practicum in Community Engaged Writing
Total Credits39

Some courses may vary by topic, so some of the above may be repeated for credit if the topic differs. See adviser for recommendations.

English Education

Supporting Courses24
Fundamentals of Public Address
Introduction to Communication
Introduction to English Literature I
Introduction to American Literature I
Introduction to American Literature II
Literary Studies
Choose one:
Introduction to English Literature II
The English Novel: 1850's to the Present
Choose one:
Introduction to Language
Upper-Level Courses27
Topics in Creative Writing
Choose one:
Adolescent Literature in Middle and Secondary School Reading
Children's and Adolescent Literature
Choose one:
American Ethnic Literature
African American Literature
Choose one: 2
World Literatures
World Literatures II
World Literatures
Choose a minimum of 9 credits from the following upper-level Literature elective courses: 3
Intermediate Creative Writing
Short Fiction Writing Workshop
Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop
Creative Nonfiction Writing
The British Novel
Major Drama
Major Poetry
Topics in Literary Criticism
Topics in Publishing
Major American Prose Fiction
Literary Themes
Literary Eras
American Ethnic Literature
World Literatures
History of the English Language
African American Literature
LGBTQ Literature
Book Editing Practicum
Major Author(s)
Total Credits51

If ENGLISH 218 or ENGLISH 219 is taken to fulfill an upper-level requirement, an additional 3 credits must be taken from the upper-level Literature elective course list above.


Some courses may vary by topic, so some of the above may be repeated for credit if the topic differs. See adviser for recommendations.


Supporting Courses12
Literary Studies
Ethics in Writing
Elective courses (choose 2 courses):
Women in Literature
Introduction to English Literature I
Introduction to English Literature II
Introduction to American Literature I
Introduction to American Literature II
World Literatures
World Literatures II
Multicultural American Literature
Upper-Level Credits27
The British Novel
World Literatures
Choose one:
Major American Prose Fiction
Major Poetry
Take 3 credits (1 course) that support EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) outcomes
African American Literature
American Ethnic Literature
LGBTQ Literature
Take 3 credits (1 course) of Skills/Professionalization/Application
Sheepshead Review Practicum
Digital Platforms for Publishing
UX Writing
Placemaking and Writing
Live Video Streaming Practicum
Book Editing Practicum
Practicum in Community Engaged Writing
Teaching Assistantship
Take 6 credits (two courses) from Genres/Topics/Context category
Children's and Adolescent Literature
Major Drama
Major Poetry (if not used above)
Topics in Publishing
Major American Prose Fiction (if not used above)
Literary Themes
Literary Eras
Literary Topics
Major Author(s)
Travel Course
ELECTIVES: Choose any 3 credits (1 course) of Upper Level English courses not already used above (includes Writing Workshops, Practicums, or Literature)
Total Credits39