Electrical Engineering


Supporting Courses38-44
Technical Writing and Information Literacy
Fundamentals of Drawing
Introduction to Programming
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
Multivariate Calculus
Introductory Statistics
Ordinary Differential Equations
Principles of Physics I
Introductory Physics Lab I
Chemistry (choose one option):
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
and Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory
Chemistry for Engineers
Fundamental Courses22
Electrical Circuits I
Electrical Circuits I Lab
Electrical Circuits II
Electrical Circuits II Lab
Electronic Devices
Electronic Devices Lab
Electrical Codes, Safety, and Standards
Energy Conversion
Energy Conversion Lab
Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Controllers
Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Controllers Lab
Advanced Courses20
Digital Logic Design
Digital Logic Design Lab
Signals and Systems
Signals and Systems Lab
Electrical Power Systems
Electromagnetic Fields and Applications
Communications Systems
Power Electronics
Capstone Requirement3
Senior Design Project
Technical Electives (choose four courses):12
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Co-op/Internship in Engineering Technology
Solar and Alternate Energy Systems
Industrial Decision Processes
Project Management
Smart Cities: Engineering the Future
Power System Analysis and Protection
Wireless Communications
Wireless Networks
Microprocessors and Embedded Systems
Special Topics in Electrical Engineering
Independent Study
Total Credits95-101

Curriculum Guide 

The following curriculum guide is for a four-year  Electrical Engineering degree program and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult their program advisor to ensure that they have the most accurate and up-to-date information available.

Total 125 credits necessary to graduate.

Plan of Study Grid
MATH 202 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 4
ET 105 Fundamentals of Drawing 3
First Year Seminar (FYS) 3
General Education 3
General Education 3
MATH 203 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 4
ENGR 120 Electrical Circuits I 3
ENGR 121 Electrical Circuits I Lab 1
ET 142 Introduction to Programming 3
General Education 3
MATH 209 Multivariate Calculus 4
Principles of Physics I
and Introductory Physics Lab I
ME 206 Chemistry for Engineers 4
ENGR 210 Electrical Circuits II 3
ENGR 211 Electrical Circuits II Lab 1
MATH 260 Introductory Statistics 4
ENGR 222 Electronic Devices 3
ENGR 223 Electronic Devices Lab 1
ENGR 224 Electrical Codes, Safety, and Standards 2
ENGR 320 Energy Conversion 3
ENGR 321 Energy Conversion Lab 1
ENGR 236 Technical Writing and Information Literacy 3
MATH 305 Ordinary Differential Equations 4
ENGR 310 Digital Logic Design 3
ENGR 311 Digital Logic Design Lab 1
ENGR 342 Signals and Systems 3
ENGR 343 Signals and Systems Lab 1
ENGR 348 Electromagnetic Fields and Applications 3
ENGR 328 Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Controllers 3
ENGR 329 Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Controllers Lab 1
ENGR 346 Electrical Power Systems 3
ENGR 434 Power Electronics 3
General Education 3
General Education 3
ENGR 412 Communications Systems 3
ENGR 462 Senior Design Project 3
Technical Elective I 3
Technical Elective II 3
General Education 3
Technical Elective III 3
Technical Elective IV 3
General Education 3
General Education 3
General Education 3
 Total Credits125

Technical Electives (choose any four):

  1. ET 342 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (3 s.h.)
  2. ET 400 Co-op/Internship in Engineering Technology (3 s.h.) or ENGR 494 Co-op (1-2 s.h.)
  3. ET 415 Solar and Alternate Energy Systems (3 s.h.)
  4. ET 360 Project Management (3 s.h.)​ or ME 334 Industrial Decision Processes (3 s.h.)
  5. ENGR 402 Smart Cities: Engineering the Future (3 s.h.)
  6. ENGR 414 Power System Analysis and Protection (3 s.h.)
  7. ENGR 426 Wireless Communications (3 s.h.)
  8. ENGR 428 Wireless Networks (3 s.h.)
  9. ENGR 438 Microprocessors and Embedded Systems (3 s.h.)
  10. ENGR 493 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (3 s.h.)
  11. ENGR 498 Independent Study (1-4 s.h.)


Maruf Hossain; Professor; Ph.D., University of Memphis

Mohammad Mahfuz; Professor; Ph.D., University of Ottawa, chair*

Elie Atallah; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., University of Central Florida

Rojoba Yasmin; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., University of Memphis

Taskia Ahammad Khan; Associate Teaching Professor; M.S., Bradley University