Computer Science


Supporting Courses9
Web Programming
Computer Programming I
Discrete Mathematics
Upper-Level Courses13-15
Computer Programming II
(choose four 300-level or 400-level COMP SCI courses):
Total Credits22-24

Curriculum Guide 

An example: Four-year plan for Computer Science Major

120 credits necessary to graduate.

Students must complete requirements in one of the following areas of emphasis:

The plan is a representation and categories of classes can be switched. Check with your advisor.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
COMP SCI 120 Web Programming 3
ENGR 236 Technical Writing and Information Literacy 3
COMM 133
Fundamentals of Public Address
or Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
or Small Group Communication
GenEd Course 1 3
MATH 202 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 4
COMP SCI 130 Computer Programming I 3
COMP SCI 171 Technology, Ethics, and Society 3
COMP SCI 251 Computer Systems Fundamentals 3
GenEd Course 2 3
MATH 260 Introductory Statistics 4
Second Year
COMP SCI 140 Programming for Quantitative Problem Solving 3
COMP SCI 240 Discrete Mathematics 3
COMP SCI 330 Computer Programming II 3
GenEd Course 3 3
GenEd Course 4 3
COMP SCI 181 Human-Centered Design 3
COMP SCI 221 Database Design & Management 3
COMP SCI 348 Computer Networks 3
GenEd Course 5 3
MATH 320 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory 4
Third Year
COMP SCI 351 Data Structures 3
COMP SCI 353 Computer Architecture and Organization 3
COMP SCI 361 Information Assurance and Security 3
COMP SCI 362 Artificial Intelligence & Data Science 3
GenEd Course 6 3
COMP SCI 373 Cloud Computing 3
COMP SCI 450 Theory of Algorithms 3
COMP SCI 452 Operating Systems Using Linux 3
Emphasis Elective 1 3
GenEd Course 7 3
Fourth Year
Emphasis Elective 2 3
Emphasis Elective 3 3
GenEd Course 8 3
GenEd Course 9 3
Free Elective 3
COMP SCI 490 Capstone in Computer Science 3
Upper-level Elective 3
GenEd Course 10 3
Free Elective 3
 Total Credits120


Tanim Ahsan; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University*

Iftekhar Anam; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Memphis, chair*

Nazim Choudhury; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Sydney*

Sayeda Farzana Aktar; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University

Prakash Duraisamy; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., University of North Texas

Omar Meqdadi; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Kent State University*

Md Golam Murshed; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Clarkson University