Sociology & Anthropology


Supporting Courses9-10
Varieties of World Culture
Introduction to Sociology
Statistics (choose one):
Introduction to Business Statistics
Introductory Statistics
Social Science Statistics
Upper-Level Courses9
Anthropological Theory
Social Theory
Choose one:
Foundations for Social Research
Research Methods in Sociology & Anthropology
Electives 121
Family, Kin, and Community
Environmental Anthropology
Cultures of the World
Myth, Ritual, Symbol and Religion
Economic Anthropology
Independent Study
Social Stratification
Race and Ethnic Relations
Deviant Behavior
Sociology of the Family
Urban Sociology
Collective Behavior and Social Movements
Street Gangs in America
Sociology of Religion
Topics in Sociology
Asian American Communities in the United States
Latino Communities in the United States
The Sixties
Social Psychology: A Sociological Perspective
Environmental Sociology
Environmental Justice
Sociology of Sexual and Intimate Relations
Independent Study
Minimum 6 credits of 21 must be ANTHRO or SOCIOL
Total Credits39-40

495 Teaching Assistantship, and 499 Travel Courses are encouraged, but does not count toward the Major


Supporting Courses9-10
Varieties of World Culture
Introduction to Sociology
Statistics (choose one):
Introduction to Business Statistics
Introductory Statistics
Social Science Statistics
Upper-Level Courses12
Choose one:
Foundations for Social Research
Research Methods in Sociology & Anthropology
Choose one:
Anthropological Theory
Social Theory
Elective courses (choose two):
Family, Kin, and Community
Environmental Anthropology
Cultures of the World
Myth, Ritual, Symbol and Religion
Medical Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Independent Study
Race and Ethnic Relations
Social Stratification
Deviant Behavior
Sociology of the Family
Urban Sociology
Collective Behavior and Social Movements
Street Gangs in America
Sociology of Religion
Topics in Sociology
Asian American Communities in the United States
Latino Communities in the United States
The Sixties
Social Psychology: A Sociological Perspective
Environmental Sociology
Environmental Justice
Sociology of Sexual and Intimate Relations
Independent Study
Total Credits21-22


Ray Hutchison; Professor; Ph.D., University of Chicago, chair

Dana Atwood; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Andrew W Austin; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Tennessee

Christopher Kleps; Assistant Professor, Ohio State University