

Supporting Courses9
Ancient Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Choose two of the following courses:
Introduction to Philosophy
Contemporary Ethical Issues
Logic and Reasoning
Is Morality for Sale?
Biomedical Ethics
Philosophy of Art
Philosophy, Religion, and Science
Ancient Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Introduction to Asian Philosophy
Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Environmental Ethics
Business Ethics
Upper-Level Courses24
History of Philosophy (Choose two courses):
Religion and Medieval Philosophy
Modern Philosophy
Contemporary Philosophy
Plato and Aristotle
Philosophical Issues (Choose two courses):
Ethical Theory
Philosophy and the Sciences
Philosophy, Politics and Law
Choose four additional upper-level elective courses from those listed above, including:
Topics in Philosophy
Total Credits33


Supporting Courses9
Ancient Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Choose two of the following courses:
Introduction to Philosophy
Contemporary Ethical Issues
Logic and Reasoning
Is Morality for Sale?
Biomedical Ethics
Philosophy, Religion, and Science
Ancient Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Introduction to Asian Philosophy
Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Environmental Ethics
Business Ethics
Upper-Level Courses12
History of Philosophy (Choose one course):
Religion and Medieval Philosophy
Modern Philosophy
Contemporary Philosophy
Plato and Aristotle
Topics in Philosophy (If content is historical rather than topical)
Independent Study (If content is historical rather than topical) 1
Philosophical Issues (Choose one course):
Ethical Theory
Philosophy and the Sciences
Philosophy, Politics and Law
Independent Study (If content is topical rather than historical) 1
Topics in Philosophy (If content is topical rather than historical)
Choose two additional upper-level elective courses from those listed above:
Total Credits21

 PHILOS 498 courses are created and faculty approved and identified as a topical or historical content course substitution to the respective academic requirements in the Student Information System.

Curriculum Guide 

The following is a curriculum guide for a four-year Philosophy degree program and is subject to change without notice. Students should consult a Philosophy program advisor to ensure that they have the most accurate and up-to-date information available about a particular four-year degree option.

An example: Four year plan for Philosophy Major
120 credits necessary to graduate.
Plan is a representation and categories of classes can be switched. Check with your advisor.

Plan of Study Grid
PHILOS 101 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHILOS 213 Ancient Philosophy 3
First Year Seminar 3
General Ed 3
Elective 3
PHILOS 214 Early Modern Philosophy 3
PHILOS 212 Philosophy, Religion, and Science 3
General Ed 3
General Ed 3
Elective 3
PHILOS 309 Religion and Medieval Philosophy 3
PHILOS 102 Contemporary Ethical Issues 3
General Ed 3
Elective 3
PHILOS 301 Ethical Theory 3
PHILOS 308 Philosophy and the Sciences 3
General Ed 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
PHILOS 401 Plato and Aristotle 3
PHILOS 323 Modern Philosophy 3
General Ed 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
PHILOS 326 Philosophy, Politics and Law 3
PHILOS 403 Topics in Philosophy 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
PHILOS 420 Metaphysics 3
General Ed 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
PHILOS 403 Topics in Philosophy 3
General Ed 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
 Total Credits117


Derek S Jeffreys; Professor; Ph.D., University of Chicago

Hye-Kyung Kim; Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University, chair

Damon Watson; Assistant Teaching Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University