Organizational Leadership

Organizational Leadership Core
Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Communication Skills (choose one):
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses18
Required Courses:
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Organizational Leadership Capstone
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Total Credits24

Areas of Emphasis

A unique feature of the Organizational Leadership major is the choice of an area of emphasis, which typically consists of four or five courses (12-18 credits) in a student's preferred area of focus. Areas of Emphasis include:


Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Leadership
Choose one:
Introduction to Communication
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Small Group Communication
Upper-Level Courses15
Organizational Research and Statistics
Budgeting and Financial Management
Leadership in Organizations
Human Resource and Risk Management
Choose one:
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Total Credits21


Kerry Kuenzi; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Colorado*