Humanities Minors

Ancient and Medieval Studies 

Supporting Courses6
Choose two of the following:
History of the Visual Arts: Ancient to Medieval
Foundations of Western Culture I
World Civilizations I
Foundations of Western Culture II
World Civilizations II
Upper Level Courses (choose four courses):12
Art of the First Nations
Precolumbian Art of Mesoamerica
African Art
Asian Art
Living History and Reenactment for Public Historians
Ancient and Medieval Cultures and Values
Interdisciplinary Themes in Humanities (with Ancient topic)
Literatures in Translation
Happiness and the Good Life
Plato and Aristotle
Topics in Philosophy (with Ancient topic)
Topics in Medieval History
Religion and Medieval Philosophy
Total Credits18

Humanities Online 

Supporting Courses9
Literature (Choose one course):
Introduction to Literature
Women in Literature
Introduction to Creative Writing
Introduction to American Literature II
World Literatures
Multicultural American Literature
History (choose one course):
Foundations of Western Culture I
Foundations of Western Culture II
World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II
American History to 1865
History of the United States from 1865 to the Present
Introduction to African-American History
Cultures, Ethics, Values (choose one course):
Introduction to First Nations Studies
Ethnic Diversity in America Past and Present
Introduction to the Humanities
Contemporary Ethical Issues
Logic and Reasoning
Business Ethics
Introduction to the Spanish Language II
Intermediate Spanish Language I
Intermediate Spanish Language II
Upper-Level Courses (Choose four courses):12
Topics in Creative Writing
Literary Themes
Literary Eras
African American Literature
LGBTQ Literature
Major Author(s)
War and Civilization
Globalization and Cultural Conflict
Humanities, Business and Critical Thinking
Topics in World Cultures
Happiness and the Good Life
Representative Spanish and Latin American Authors
Total Credits21

Linguistincs/Teaching English as a Second Language

Supporting Courses9
Introduction to Language
One year of a non-English language or equivalent proficiency
Upper-Level Courses12
Teaching English as a Second Language 2
Second Language Acquisition & Assessment 2
Language and Identity 2
Sociolinguistics 2
Requirement for licensure candidates
Cross-Cultural Elective (choose 3 credits): 1
Oneida Language I
Travel Course
Requirement for non-licensure candidates
Total Credits21

Another appropriate course or study abroad/internship experience may be substituted by adviser.


Undergraduate students must be granted permission to enroll in graduate coursework.  For more information, refer to the graduate catalog.

World Cultures 

Supporting Courses9
Choose one:
Global Challenges and the Human Experience
Introduction to the Humanities
Choose one:
World Literatures
World Literatures II
Foundations of Western Culture I
Foundations of Western Culture II
World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II
Introduction to Philosophy
Power of Philosophy: Ancient Greece to Renaissance
Choose one:
Women in Literature
Introduction to First Nations Studies
Introduction to African-American History
Ethnic Diversity in America Past and Present
Introduction to Asian Philosophy
Upper-Level Courses (At least one course must be a HUM STUD course)12
Category 1: Global Encounters (3 credits):
World Literatures
Indigenous Nations Oral and Storytelling Traditions
First Nations Intellectual Traditions
Le Monde Francophone
Contemporary Cultural Issues
Globalization and Cultural Conflict
Cultura Latina
Representative Spanish and Latin American Authors
Major Spanish and Latin American Fiction
Spanish and Latin American Cinema
Category II: Western Cultures (3 credits):
Interdisciplinary Themes in Humanities (Western Topic)
German Culture
Representative German Authors
German Cinema
Spain Today
The Cultures of Spain
Representative French Authors
France Today
Topics in Early Modern European History (Crime & Mentalities Topic)
African American Literature
Major American Prose Fiction
Major Poetry
Category III: Cultures Outside the West (3 credits):
Topics in Democracy and Justice (South Africa Topic)
First Nations Intellectual Traditions
History of Modern Africa
Topics in World Cultures
Non-Western Religions
International Cinema
Literatures in Translation
Elective Course (choose 3 credits):
Choose any course listed above that does not fulfill another requirement OR
Internship (with advisor permission)
Travel Course
Travel Course
Travel Course
Travel Course
Travel Course
Travel Course
Travel Course
Total Credits21