Health Information Management and Technology Major

Healthcare Management

Supporting Courses:5-10
Advanced Algebra
Biology (Choose one option):
Introduction to Human Biology
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
and Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Core Courses49
Digital Literacy in Healthcare
Healthcare Systems and Organizations
Survey of Information Technology in Healthcare
Healthcare I: Terminology & Body Systems
Ethical issues, Security Management and Compliance
Statistics for Healthcare
Healthcare II: Survey of Disease & Treatments
Healthcare Systems: Analysis & Design
Healthcare Billing, Coding and Reimbursement
Healthcare Information and Technology - Data
Healthcare Sytems: Implementation and Integration
Healthcare Systems: Project Management
Quality Assessment and Improvement
Group Processes, Team Building and Leadership
Healthcare Information and Technology - Standards
Pre-Capstone (Must be taken semester prior to HIMT 490)
Healthcare Management Emphasis12
Principles of Management for HIMT Professionals
Healthcare Economics
Human Resource Management in Healthcare
Application of Leadership & Management in Healthcare Technology
Total Credits66-71

Healthcare Technology

Supporting Courses5-10
Advanced Algebra
Biology (Choose one option):
Introduction to Human Biology
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
and Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Anatomy and Physiology
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II
Core Courses49
Digital Literacy in Healthcare
Healthcare Systems and Organizations
Survey of Information Technology in Healthcare
Healthcare I: Terminology & Body Systems
Ethical issues, Security Management and Compliance
Statistics for Healthcare
Healthcare II: Survey of Disease & Treatments
Healthcare Systems: Analysis & Design
Healthcare Billing, Coding and Reimbursement
Healthcare Information and Technology - Data
Healthcare Sytems: Implementation and Integration
Healthcare Systems: Project Management
Quality Assessment and Improvement
Group Processes, Team Building and Leadership
Healthcare Information and Technology - Standards
Pre-Capstone (Must be taken semester prior to HIMT 490)
Healthcare Technology Emphasis12
Programming and Software Development
Database Structures and Management Systems
Data Warehousing and Mining
Data Communications and Networks in Healthcare
Total Credits66-71