Democracy and Justice Studies

Global Studies Minor  

Supporting Courses9
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
World Regions and Concepts: A Geographic Analysis
Choose one of the following courses:
Varieties of World Culture
Economics of the Modern World
Macro Economic Analysis
Environment and Society
Human Disease and Society
World Civilizations I
World Civilizations II
World Food and Population Issues
Global Politics and Society
City Life and Globalization
Upper-Level Courses15
Choose five courses from the thematic categories below. At least one courses must be from each categories
Global Democracy: institutions and citizenship
Topics in Democracy and Justice (Topic: South Africa. Topic: Genocide)
German Politics and Society
The U.S. and the World
Comparative Politics
International Relations
Foreign and Defense Policies
Global Environmental Sustainability: natural resources, climate change and human needs and services
Family, Kin, and Community
Environmental Sustainability
Global Climate Change
Global Environmental History
War and Civilization
Special Topics in Nursing (Topic: Global Aspects of Healthcare)
Global Environmental Politics and Policy
Cultural Psychology
Global Peoples: nationality, ethnicity, race and religion
Geography of South America
Contemporary Europe
History of Modern Africa
Globalization and Cultural Conflict
Topics in World Cultures
Politics of Developing Areas
Total Credits24

Social Justice Minor 

Supporting Courses6
Introduction to Social Justice
Choose one (3 credits):
Civic Scholars Practicum
Mentoring for Equity and Inclusion
Freedom and Social Control
Law and Equality in Historical Perspective
Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
Upper level courses12
Senior Seminar in Democracy and Justice Studies
Choose three courses (9 credits):
Constitutional Law
Prison and Society
Historical Perspectives on American Democracy
Topics in Democracy and Justice
U.S. Labor and the Working Class: Past and Present
History of Sexuality in the U.S.
U.S. Women's History
American Political Thought
Comparative Politics
Immigration and Immigration Policy
Topics in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Feminist Theory
Total Credits18


Ekaterina M Levintova; Professor; Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Jon K Shelton; Professor; Ph.D., University of Maryland, chair

Andrew W Austin; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Tennessee

Eric J Morgan; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder

Kimberley A Reilly; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of Chicago