Community Health Education


Supporting Courses13
Fundamentals of Public Address
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Lifespan Development
Social Science Statistics
Lower-Level Courses12
Introduction to Human Biology
Personal Health and Wellness
Fundamentals of Healthcare Terminology
Ethnic Influences on Nutrition
Upper-Level Courses43
Foundations of Community Health Education
Methods and Strategies for Community Health Education
Program Planning and Evaluation in Community Health Education
Capstone Seminar
Community Health Education Field Practicum
Health Care Systems
Healthcare Management
Healthcare Economics & Policy
Population Healthcare Management
Quality Improvement
Drugs and Behavior
Grant Writing for Success
Upper-Level Elective: (choose 3 credits)3
Health Communication Campaigns and Strategies
Health Communication and Technology
Group Processes, Team Building and Leadership
Organizational Behavior Across Sectors
Leadership in Organizations
Total Credits71

Curriculum Guide 

An example four-year plan. This plan is a representation. Consult with your advisor.

120 credits necessary to graduate.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year Seminar 3
HUM BIOL 102 Introduction to Human Biology 3
PSYCH 102 Introduction to Psychology 3
GEN EDUC - Humanities 3
Elective 3
WF 105 Research and Rhetoric 3
GEN EDUC - Fine Arts 3
GEN EDUC - Natural Science 3
Elective 6
PSYCH 205 Social Science Statistics 4
COMM 133
Fundamentals of Public Address
or Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
PSYCH 203 Introduction to Lifespan Development 3
NURSING 200 Fundamentals of Healthcare Terminology 3
Elective 3
HUM BIOL 215 Personal Health and Wellness 3
HUM BIOL 322 Epidemiology 3
NUT SCI 202 Ethnic Influences on Nutrition 3
Elective 6
CHE 310 Foundations of Community Health Education 3
NURSING 340 Quality Improvement 2
HLTH MGT 301 Health Care Systems 3
HLTH MGT 302 Healthcare Management 3
Elective 4
CHE 330 Program Planning and Evaluation in Community Health Education 3
HLTH MGT 401 Healthcare Economics & Policy 3
HLTH MGT 402 Population Healthcare Management 3
PSYCH 310 Drugs and Behavior 3
SOC WORK 344 Grant Writing for Success 2
CHE 320 Methods and Strategies for Community Health Education 3
CHE Elective Course 3
GEN EDUC - Humanities 3
GEN EDUC - Social Sciences 3
Elective 6
CHE 440 Capstone Seminar 3
CHE 450 Community Health Education Field Practicum 9
 Total Credits120


Christine L Vandenhouten; Professor; Ph.D., Marquette University*

Heidi Neverman; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S.N., University of Mary