High Impact Practices
High Impact Practice courses provide students with
Bachelor degree students must complete three high impact practice courses. Courses taken to fulfill the High Impact Practice may also be used, simultaneously, to fulfill any other requirements, including core curriculum breadth requirements and requirements in the major, minor, or certificate programs.
Code | Title | Credits |
any 299 or 499 Travel Course | ||
ACCTG 297 | Internship | 1 |
ACCTG 316 | Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting | 3 |
ACCTG 412 | Auditing Standards and Procedures | 4 |
ACCTG 415 | Advanced Income Tax Theory and Practice | 3 |
ACCTG 460 | Accounting Capstone | 3 |
ACCTG 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
ACCTG 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
ACCTG 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
ART 302 | Intermediate Drawing | 3 |
ART 304 | Figure Drawing | 3 |
ART 331 | Intermediate Ceramics | 3 |
ART 335 | Intermediate Woodworking & Furniture Design | 3 |
ART 344 | Photography III | 3 |
ART 376 | Modern American Culture | 3 |
ART 401 | Senior Exhibition Seminar | 3 |
ART 402 | Advanced Drawing | 3 |
ART 410 | Advanced Painting | 3 |
ART 421 | Advanced Sculpture | 3 |
ART 431 | Advanced Ceramics | 3 |
ART 435 | Advanced Woodworking & Furniture Design | 3 |
ART 443 | Advanced Problems in Photography | 3 |
ART 453 | Advanced Fibers/Textiles | 3 |
ART 470 | Advanced Printmaking | 3 |
ART 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
BIOLOGY 304 | Genetics Laboratory | 1 |
BIOLOGY 306 | Principles of Ecology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 308 | Cell Biology Laboratory | 1 |
BIOLOGY 310 | Plant Biodiversity | 4 |
BIOLOGY 311 | Plant Physiology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 320 | Field Botany | 4 |
BIOLOGY 341 | Fish Biology and Ecology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 342 | Ornithology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 343 | Mammalogy | 4 |
BIOLOGY 355 | Entomology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 365 | Aquatic Invertebrates | 4 |
BIOLOGY 401 | Fish and Wildlife Population Dynamics | 4 |
BIOLOGY 402 | Advanced Microbiology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 408 | Molecular Biology Laboratory | 1 |
BIOLOGY 469 | Conservation Biology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 498 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
BUS ADM 297 | Internship | 1-6 |
BUS ADM 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
BUS ADM 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
BUS ADM 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
BUSAN 450 | Database for Business Analytics | 3 |
BUSAN 452 | Business Analytics | 3 |
BUSAN 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
BUSAN 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
BUSAN 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
CHE 440 | Capstone Seminar | 3 |
CHE 450 | Community Health Education Field Practicum | 9 |
CHEM 311 | Analytical Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 305 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory II | 1 |
CHEM 322 | Thermodynamics and Kinetics Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 323 | Structure of Matter Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 325 | Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 331 | Biochemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 411 | Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
CHEM 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
CHEM 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
CHEM 498 | Independent Study | 1-6 |
COMM 306 | Radio Broadcasting | 3 |
COMM 425 | Digital Journalism | 3 |
COMM 474 | Media Workshop | 3 |
COMM SCI 200 | Civic Scholars Practicum | 3 |
COMM SCI 400 | Civic Scholars Leadership Program Spring Community-Based Practicum | 2-3 |
COMM SCI 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
COMP SCI 362 | Artificial Intelligence & Data Science | 3 |
COMP SCI 490 | Capstone in Computer Science | 3 |
DESIGN 431 | Graphic Design Studio III | 3 |
DESIGN 435 | Design Arts Publication Workshop | 3 |
DESIGN 475 | Professional Practice Capstone | 3 |
DESIGN 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
DJS 200 | Mentoring for Equity and Inclusion | 3 |
DJS 400 | Mentoring for Equity and Inclusion | 3 |
DJS 470 | Senior Seminar in Democracy and Justice Studies | 3 |
DJS 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
DJS 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
ECON 302 | Intermediate Macro Economic Theory | 3 |
ECON 330 | Money, Banking and Financial Markets | 3 |
ECON 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
ECON 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
ECON 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
ENGLISH 201 | Ethics in Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 212 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 224 | Practicum in Literary Publishing | 3 |
ENGLISH 303 | Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop | 3 |
ENGLISH 305 | Novel Writing Workshop | 4 |
ENGLISH 306 | Novel Revision Workshop | 4 |
ENGLISH 307 | Writing the Environment Workshop | 3 |
ENGLISH 309 | Co-Creative Writing Workshop | 3 |
ENGLISH 310 | Topics in Game Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 324 | Sheepshead Review Practicum | 3 |
ENGLISH 327 | Digital Platforms for Publishing | 3 |
ENGLISH 329 | Placemaking and Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 400 | English Capstone | 3 |
ENGLISH 410 | Live Video Streaming Practicum | 3 |
ENGLISH 424 | Book Editing Practicum | 3 |
ENGLISH 428 | Practicum in Community Engaged Writing | 3 |
ENGR 121 | Electrical Circuits I Lab | 1 |
ENGR 462 | Senior Design Project | 3 |
ENTRP 481 | Small Business Management & Family Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENTRP 486 | Design Thinking and Developing Business Models | 3 |
ENTRP 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
ENTRP 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
ENTRP 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
ENV SCI 103 | Introduction to Environmental Sciences Lab | 1 |
ENV SCI 305 | Environmental Fate and Transport | 4 |
ENV SCI 337 | Environmental GIS | 3 |
ENV SCI 401 | Stream Ecology | 4 |
ENV SCI 403 | Limnology | 4 |
ENV SCI 490 | EMBI Co-Op/Experience | 3 |
EPP 412 | Urban and Regional Planning | 3 |
ET 400 | Co-op/Internship in Engineering Technology | 3 |
ET 410 | Capstone Project | 3 |
FIN 415 | Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning | 3 |
FIN 442 | Principles of Investment | 3 |
FIN 446 | Advanced Corporation Finance | 3 |
FIN 475 | Financial Plan Development | 3 |
FIN 480 | Student Managed Investment Fund | 3 |
FIN 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
FIN 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
FIN 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
FNS 211 | Tutoring and Mentoring First Nations Youth in K-12 | 3 |
FNS 360 | Women and Gender in First Nations Communities | 3 |
FNS 391 | First Nations Studies Capstone Seminar | 3 |
FRENCH 320 | Intermediate Composition and Conversation | 3 |
FRENCH 325 | Advanced French Conversation and Composition | 3 |
FRENCH 498 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
GEOSCI 340 | Introduction to Mineralogy & Petrology | 4 |
GEOSCI 402 | Sedimentology & Stratigraphy | 3 |
GEOSCI 421 | Geoscience Field Trip | 1-3 |
GEOSCI 432 | Hydrogeology | 3 |
GEOSCI 470 | Glacial Geology & Landscapes | 3 |
GERMAN 201 | Intermediate German Language I | 3 |
GERMAN 202 | Intermediate German Language II | 3 |
GERMAN 320 | Intermediate German Conversation and Composition | 3 |
GERMAN 325 | Advanced German Conversation and Composition | 3 |
GERMAN 329 | Representative German Authors | 3 |
GERMAN 333 | Literary Themes | 3 |
GERMAN 355 | Deutsche Kultur und Landeskunde | 3 |
GERMAN 358 | German Politics and Society | 3 |
GERMAN 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
GERMAN 498 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
HIMT 430 | Quality Assessment and Improvement | 3 |
HIMT 490 | Capstone | 3 |
HISTORY 290 | The Craft of History | 3 |
HISTORY 400 | Voyageur Magazine Practicum | 3 |
HISTORY 415 | Living History and Reenactment for Public Historians | 3 |
HISTORY 480 | Seminar in History | 3 |
HISTORY 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
HRM 460 | Employee Development and Training | 3 |
HRM 467 | Compensation and Benefits Planning | 3 |
HRM 470 | SHRM-CP Prep I | 3 |
HRM 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
HRM 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
HRM 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
HUM BIOL 326 | Medical Microbiology Lab | 1 |
HUM BIOL 341 | Human Anatomy Laboratory | 1 |
HUM BIOL 351 | Kinesiology | 4 |
HUM BIOL 361 | Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism | 1 |
HUM BIOL 403 | Human Physiology Laboratory | 1 |
HUM STUD 120 | Latinx Experiences and Voices in our Community | 3 |
HUM STUD 200 | Finding Humanity in the Digital World | 3 |
MATH 306 | Statistical Programming | 3 |
MATH 314 | Proofs in Number Theory and Topology | 3 |
MATH 329 | Applied Regression Analysis | 4 |
ME 221 | Mechanics of Materials Lab | 1 |
ME 460 | Senior Design | 3 |
MET 390 | Mechatronics | 3 |
MGMT 452 | Teams | 3 |
MGMT 472 | Leadership Development | 3 |
MGMT 482 | Capstone in Business Strategy | 3 |
MGMT 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
MGMT 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
MGMT 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
MKTG 297 | Internship | 1-6 |
MKTG 345 | Digital Marketing | 3 |
MKTG 423 | Advertising | 3 |
MKTG 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
MKTG 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
MKTG 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
MUS APP 101 | Keyboard Lessons 1 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 102 | Keyboard Lessons 2 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 105 | Voice Lessons 1 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 106 | Voice Lessons 2 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 127 | Instrumental Lessons 1 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 128 | Instrumental Lessons 2 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 201 | Keyboard Lessons 3 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 202 | Keyboard Lessons 4 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 205 | Voice Lessons 3 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 206 | Voice Lessons 4 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 227 | Instrumental Lessons 3 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 228 | Instrumental Lessons 4 | 1-2 |
MUS APP 301 | Keyboard Lessons 5 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 302 | Keyboard Lessons 6 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 305 | Voice Lessons 5 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 306 | Voice Lessons 6 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 327 | Instrumental Lessons 5 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 328 | Instrumental Lessons 6 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 401 | Keyboard Lessons 7 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 402 | Keyboard Lessons 8 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 405 | Voice Lessons 7 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 406 | Voice Lessons 8 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 427 | Instrumental Lessons 7 | 1-3 |
MUS APP 428 | Instrumental Lessons 8 | 1-3 |
MUS ENS 143 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
MUS ENS 241 | Concert Bands and Orchestra | 1 |
MUS ENS 261 | University Singers | 1 |
MUS ENS 262 | Concert Choir | 1 |
MUS ENS 343 | Jazz Ensemble | 1 |
MUS ENS 441 | Concert Bands and Orchestra | 1 |
MUS ENS 461 | University Singers | 1 |
MUS ENS 462 | Concert Choir | 1 |
MUSIC 209 | Applied Composition | 1 |
MUSIC 411 | Advanced Composition | 1-2 |
NURSING 290 | Foundations of Nursing Practice: Practicum/Experiential Learning | 2 |
NURSING 332 | Health & Illness Concepts I: Practicum | 2 |
NURSING 380 | Alterations in Health & Illness II: Practicum/Simulation | 2 |
NURSING 420 | Nursing with Diverse Populations Practicum | 2 |
NURSING 455 | Community Health Nursing Practicum | 3 |
NURSING 461 | Care Transitions Practicum Immersion | 4 |
NURSING 490 | Synthesis for Nursing Practice | 3 |
NUT SCI 312 | Quantity Food Production and Service | 4 |
ORG LEAD 346 | Organizational Research and Statistics | 3 |
ORG LEAD 400 | Organizational Leadership Capstone | 3 |
ORG LEAD 497 | Internship | 1-6 |
PHYSICS 142 | Observational Astronomy | 1 |
PHYSICS 203 | Introductory Physics Lab I | 1 |
PHYSICS 204 | Introductory Physics Lab II | 1 |
POL SCI 318 | Political Behavior | 3 |
POL SCI 333 | Political Science Research Lab | 3 |
POL SCI 406 | State and Local Government | 3 |
POL SCI 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
POL SCI 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
PSYCH 103 | Applied Learning | 3 |
PSYCH 300 | Research Methods in Psychology | 4 |
PUB ADM 326 | Philanthropy: Civic Engagement through Giving | 3 |
PUB ADM 408 | Public Policy Analysis | 3 |
PUB ADM 430 | Seminar in Ethics and Public Action | 3 |
PUB ADM 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
PUB ADM 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
PUB ADM 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
PUB ADM 498 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
SCM 383 | Enterprise Resource Planning | 3 |
SCM 384 | Advanced Supply Chain Management | 3 |
SCM 495 | Teaching Assistantship | 1-6 |
SCM 496 | Project/Research Assistantship | 1-6 |
SCM 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
SE 490 | Software Engineering Capstone | 3 |
SOC WORK 313 | Skills I: Professionalism & Teamwork | 2 |
SOC WORK 402 | Field Practicum I | 4 |
SOC WORK 403 | Field Practicum II | 4 |
SOC WORK 461 | Applied Research I | 2 |
SOC WORK 462 | Applied Research II | 1 |
SPANISH 224 | Heritage Language and Culture | 3 |
SPANISH 225 | Composition and Conversation | 3 |
SPANISH 358 | Latin America Today | 3 |
SPANISH 359 | The Cultures of the Americas | 3 |
SPANISH 372 | Spanish Phonetics | 3 |
SPANISH 383 | Spanish in the Professions | 3 |
SPANISH 454 | Translation and Interpretation | 3 |
SPANISH 465 | Special Topics | 3 |
SPANISH 497 | Internship | 1-12 |
SPANISH 498 | Independent Study | 1-4 |
THEATRE 131 | Beginning Acting | 3 |
THEATRE 241 | Improvisation for Business | 3 |
THEATRE 234 | Acting for the Camera | 3 |
WOST 350 | Topics in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | 3 |