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BUSAN 450. Database for Business Analytics. 3 Credits.

Data is the new oil and is a key component of powering the AI and analytics revolution. Any analytical solution and decision model system is only as good as the data it is built upon. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to managing data using database management systems (DBMS). It consists of four main parts - database design, implementation, and use - focusing on the relational database model and introducing big data technologies such as NoSQL databases, data warehousing, and data lakes. The course will also discuss how better data integration using data lakes and other big data technologies can help break data silos and create a vibrant learning organization. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 2 times to earn a total of 6 credits. This course has been identified as a Cofrin School of Business High Impact Practice (HIP) course. HIPs are rigorous courses that include engaging teaching methods such as regular feedback, peer and faculty interaction, structured reflection, and application of knowledge.
Fall Only.