German Engineering

Certificate Program

In a global economy, graduates often work with international companies. In the Green Bay/NEW region, there are several companies; such as EMT International and its German partner company, Rotocontrol International; Fabio-Perini and its German parent company, the Korber group; and Millipore Sigma and its parent company, Merck HGaA. UW-Green Bay has an educational partnership with universities in the Hessian region that allows for study abroad experiences in both directions. This certificate will provide Engineering and German students interested in opportunities with German companies the skills to integrate German and Engineering. UW-Green Bay's German and Engineering programs are collaborating on a project to increase study abroad opportunities for both German and U.S. students and this certificate will strengthen this initiative.

Supporting Courses15
Engineering Graphics
Parametric Modeling
Basic Manufacturing Processes
Technical Writing and Information Literacy
Intermediate German Language I
Intermediate German Language II
Upper-Level Requirements6
Intermediate German Conversation and Composition
Elective: (Complete one)
Co-op/Internship in Engineering Technology
Deutsche Kultur und Landeskunde
Travel Course
German Culture
Total Credits21