Multicultural U.S. History

Certificate Program

The Multicultural U.S. History Certificate enables students to think informatively and critically about the multiple perspectives and diverse cultures that have comprised the indigenous, colonial, and modern land we now call the United States. The certificate is open to students in any major or minor who wish to learn more about the historical significance of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality and other forms of diversity in shaping the American experience. Students who complete the certificate will have a greater awareness of the rich complexity and multicultural heritage of the United States.

Students who complete the Multicultural U.S. History Certificate will demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the significance of racial, ethnic, gender, and other forms of diversity in shaping human experiences and history.
  • Students will demonstrate their own understanding of the significance of studying history and of the role of historical perspectives in engaged citizenship.
  • Students will show an understanding of how power, hierarchies, and social arrangements shape society.
Supporting courses (choose one):3
Law and Equality in Historical Perspective
Introduction to First Nations Studies
Introduction to African-American History
Required courses (choose three):9
Women and Gender in First Nations Communities
Wisconsin First Nations History
United States Immigration History
Topics in African American History
U.S. Labor and the Working Class: Past and Present
History of Sexuality in the U.S.
U.S. Women's History
Topics in U.S. History (Topic: Asian American History)
Latinx Culture
Total Credits12