Writing Emphasis
Writing Emphasis courses provide students with the opportunity to practice and improve their writing skills across the curriculum. Associate degree students must complete two writing emphasis courses. Bachelor degree students must complete four writing emphasis courses, at least two of these courses must be at the upper level. Courses taken to fulfill the Writing Emphasis may also be used, simultaneously, to fulfill any other requirements, including general education breadth requirements and requirements in the major, minor, or certificate programs.
Learning Outcomes for Writing Emphasis Courses
- Students will state important points and support them with illuminating details and examples.
- Students will demonstrate an ability to write in clear and lucid academic prose and to properly employ academic conventions (writing style, transitions, source integration, etc.).
- Students will demonstrate an advanced understanding of academic citation (if required by assignment).
- Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze logically and consistently and to draw meaningful implications.
- Students will demonstrate a clear and strong command of English grammar with regard to correctness, sentence structuring, and proper punctuation.
Code | Title | Credits |
Writing Emphasis | ||
ACCTG 412 | Auditing Standards and Procedures | 4 |
ACCTG 414 | Cost Accounting | 4 |
ACCTG 460 | Accounting Capstone | 3 |
ANTHRO 304 | Family, Kin, and Community | 3 |
ANTHRO 306 | Environmental Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 320 | Myth, Ritual, Symbol and Religion | 3 |
ART 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
ART 344 | Photography III | 3 |
ART 373 | Intermediate Printmaking | 3 |
ART 379 | Women, Art and Image | 3 |
ART 443 | Advanced Problems in Photography | 3 |
BIOLOGY 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
BIOLOGY 204 | Principles of Biology Lab: Organisms and Evolution | 1 |
BIOLOGY 304 | Genetics Laboratory | 1 |
BIOLOGY 306 | Principles of Ecology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 308 | Cell Biology Laboratory | 1 |
BIOLOGY 311 | Plant Physiology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 340 | Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates | 4 |
BIOLOGY 402 | Advanced Microbiology | 4 |
BIOLOGY 469 | Conservation Biology | 4 |
BUSAN 370 | Data Science for Managers | 3 |
CHEM 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
CHEM 322 | Thermodynamics and Kinetics Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 323 | Structure of Matter Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 325 | Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
CHEM 413 | Instrumental Analysis | 4 |
COMM 185 | Business and Media Writing | 3 |
COMM 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
COMM 305 | Principles of Public Relations/Corporate Communications | 3 |
COMM 309 | Mass Media Advertising | 3 |
COMM 333 | Persuasion and Argumentation | 3 |
COMM 336 | Theories of the Interview | 3 |
COMM 382 | Public Relations Campaigns | 3 |
COMM 390 | Sports Writing, Promotion, and Public Relations | 3 |
COMM 425 | Digital Journalism | 3 |
COMM 474 | Media Workshop | 3 |
COMM SCI 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
COMP SCI 353 | Computer Architecture and Organization | 3 |
COMP SCI 358 | Data Communication and Computer Networks | 3 |
COMP SCI 372 | Software Engineering | 3 |
COMP SCI 490 | Capstone in Computer Science | 3 |
COMP SCI 497 | Internship | 3 |
DJS 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
DJS 348 | Gender and the Law | 3 |
DJS 361 | Historical Perspectives on American Democracy | 3 |
DJS 363 | Topics in Democracy and Justice | 3 |
DJS 470 | Senior Seminar in Democracy and Justice Studies | 3 |
ECON 305 | Environmental Economics | 3 |
ECON 310 | Introduction to Econometrics | 3 |
ECON 340 | Economics of Land Use | 3 |
ECON 403 | International Economics and Finance | 3 |
EDUC 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
EDUC 206 | Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDUC 307 | Teaching Reading in the Elementary and Middle Schools | 3 |
EDUC 309 | Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary and Middle Schools | 3 |
EDUC 319 | Adolescent Literature in Middle and Secondary School Reading | 3 |
EDUC 352 | Social and Family Influences on Development and Learning | 3 |
EDUC 361 | Introduction to the Art and Science of Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 422 | Reading in the Content Areas | 3 |
EDUC 452 | Principles of Middle Level Education | 3 |
ENGLISH 104 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 201 | Ethics in Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 200 | Arts Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENGLISH 206 | Women in Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 212 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 214 | Introduction to English Literature I | 3 |
ENGLISH 216 | Introduction to American Literature I | 3 |
ENGLISH 217 | Introduction to American Literature II | 3 |
ENGLISH 218 | World Literatures | 3 |
ENGLISH 219 | World Literatures II | 3 |
ENGLISH 226 | Grammar | 3 |
ENGLISH 227 | Copyediting and Workflow | 3 |
ENGLISH 228 | Introduction to Technical and Professional Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 236 | Multicultural American Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 264 | Topics in Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 290 | Literary Studies | 3 |
ENGLISH 301 | Intermediate Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 302 | Short Fiction Writing Workshop | 3 |
ENGLISH 303 | Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop | 3 |
ENGLISH 304 | Creative Nonfiction Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 305 | Novel Writing Workshop | 4 |
ENGLISH 306 | Novel Revision Workshop | 4 |
ENGLISH 307 | Writing the Environment Workshop | 3 |
ENGLISH 309 | Co-Creative Writing Workshop | 3 |
ENGLISH 310 | Topics in Game Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 312 | Topics in Creative Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 314 | Topics in Professional & Technical Writing | 3 |
ENGLISH 315 | The British Novel | 3 |
ENGLISH 316 | The English Novel: 1850's to the Present | 3 |
ENGLISH 320 | Major Drama | 3 |
ENGLISH 322 | Major Poetry | 3 |
ENGLISH 323 | Topics in Literary Criticism | 3 |
ENGLISH 327 | Digital Platforms for Publishing | 3 |
ENGLISH 331 | Major American Prose Fiction | 3 |
ENGLISH 333 | Literary Themes | 3 |
ENGLISH 335 | Literary Eras | 3 |
ENGLISH 336 | American Ethnic Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 338 | World Literatures | 3 |
ENGLISH 340 | History of the English Language | 3 |
ENGLISH 344 | African American Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 345 | LGBTQ Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 364 | Literary Topics | 3 |
ENGLISH 400 | English Capstone | 3 |
ENGLISH 410 | Live Video Streaming Practicum | 3 |
ENGLISH 431 | Shakespeare | 3 |
ENGLISH 436 | Major Author(s) | 3 |
ENGR 236 | Technical Writing and Information Literacy | 3 |
ENGR 322 | Engineering Measurements Lab | 1 |
ENGR 460 | Senior Design | 3 |
ENGR 462 | Senior Design Project | 3 |
ENTRP 481 | Small Business Management & Family Entrepreneurship | 3 |
ENV SCI 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
ENV SCI 330 | Hydrology | 3 |
ENV SCI 339 | Scientific Writing | 3 |
ENV SCI 460 | Resource Management Strategy | 3 |
ENV SCI 467 | Research Experience in Environmental Science | 4 |
EPP 323 | Sustainable Land Use | 3 |
EPP 412 | Urban and Regional Planning | 3 |
ET 330 | Hydrology | 3 |
ET 390 | Mechatronics | 3 |
ET 400 | Co-op/Internship in Engineering Technology | 3 |
ET 410 | Capstone Project | 3 |
FIN 345 | Risk Management and Insurance | 3 |
FIN 415 | Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning | 3 |
FIN 425 | Estate and Trust Planning | 3 |
FIN 442 | Principles of Investment | 3 |
FIN 480 | Student Managed Investment Fund | 3 |
FNS 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
FNS 295 | Special Topics in First Nations Studies | 3 |
FNS 336 | American Ethnic Literature | 3 |
FNS 395 | Special Topics in First Nations Studies | 3 |
FRENCH 320 | Intermediate Composition and Conversation | 3 |
FRENCH 325 | Advanced French Conversation and Composition | 3 |
GEOG 370 | Geography of South America | 3 |
GEOG 470 | Glacial Geology & Landscapes | 3 |
GEOSCI 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
GEOSCI 203 | Earth System History | 3 |
GEOSCI 402 | Sedimentology & Stratigraphy | 3 |
GEOSCI 470 | Glacial Geology & Landscapes | 3 |
GEOSCI 492 | Special Topics in Geoscience | 1-4 |
GERMAN 320 | Intermediate German Conversation and Composition | 3 |
GERMAN 325 | Advanced German Conversation and Composition | 3 |
GERMAN 357 | German Cinema | 3 |
HIMT 420 | Healthcare Systems: Project Management | 3 |
HISTORY 207 | Introduction to African-American History | 3 |
HISTORY 220 | American Environmental History | 3 |
HISTORY 256 | Why History Matters | 3 |
HISTORY 309 | United States Immigration History | 3 |
HISTORY 310 | American Colonial History | 3 |
HISTORY 312 | The Early American Republic | 3 |
HISTORY 326 | Global Environmental History | 3 |
HISTORY 332 | Europe in the 19th Century | 3 |
HISTORY 333 | Europe in the 20th Century | 3 |
HISTORY 334 | Contemporary Europe | 3 |
HISTORY 353 | The U.S. and the World | 3 |
HISTORY 370 | History of Sexuality in the U.S. | 3 |
HISTORY 380 | U.S. Women's History | 3 |
HISTORY 421 | Topics in Medieval History | 3 |
HISTORY 422 | Topics in Early Modern European History | 3 |
HISTORY 423 | Topics in Modern European History | 3 |
HISTORY 424 | Nazi Germany | 3 |
HISTORY 425 | Topics in U.S. History | 3 |
HISTORY 480 | Seminar in History | 3 |
HRM 460 | Employee Development and Training | 3 |
HRM 466 | Employment Law | 3 |
HUM BIOL 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
HUM BIOL 202 | Ethnic Minorities in Science | 3 |
HUM BIOL 205 | Biotechnology and Human Values | 3 |
HUM BIOL 310 | Human Genetics | 3 |
HUM BIOL 331 | Science and Religion: Spirit of Inquiry | 3 |
HUM BIOL 360 | Exercise Physiology | 3 |
HUM BIOL 361 | Human Physiology Lab - Exercise and Metabolism | 1 |
HUM BIOL 403 | Human Physiology Laboratory | 1 |
HUM BIOL 405 | Biotechnology and Ethics | 3 |
HUM BIOL 422 | Immunology | 3 |
HUM BIOL 444 | Endocrinology | 3 |
HUM STUD 160 | Introduction to Language | 3 |
HUM STUD 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
HUM STUD 210 | Film and Society | 3 |
HUM STUD 213 | Ethnic Diversity in America Past and Present | 3 |
HUM STUD 230 | Comics, Society, and Culture | 3 |
HUM STUD 319 | Second Language Acquisition & Assessment | 3 |
HUM STUD 321 | Sociolinguistics | 3 |
HUM STUD 337 | The Age of Reason | 3 |
HUM STUD 351 | Interdisciplinary Themes in Humanities | 3 |
HUM STUD 352 | Literatures in Translation | 3 |
HUM STUD 353 | Latinx Culture | 3 |
HUM STUD 360 | Globalization and Cultural Conflict | 3 |
HUM STUD 375 | Humanities, Business and Critical Thinking | 3 |
HUM STUD 382 | Romanticism to Modernism | 3 |
HUM STUD 383 | Contemporary Cultural Issues | 3 |
HUM STUD 384 | Topics in World Cultures | 3 |
INFO SCI 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
INFO SCI 201 | Information, Computers and Society | 3 |
INFO SCI 341 | Survey of Gaming and Interactive Media | 3 |
MATH 314 | Proofs in Number Theory and Topology | 3 |
MATH 329 | Applied Regression Analysis | 4 |
ME 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
MGMT 472 | Leadership Development | 3 |
MGMT 479 | Organizational Culture & Design | 3 |
MKTG 421 | International Marketing | 3 |
MKTG 426 | Marketing Strategy | 3 |
MKTG 428 | Consumer Behavior | 3 |
MUSIC 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
MUSIC 353 | Music History I | 3 |
MUSIC 423 | Seminar in Music Literature | 3 |
NURSING 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
NURSING 370 | Evidence-Based Practice: Translating Research to Practice | 2 |
NURSING 390 | Leadership for Sustainable Healthcare: Health Disparities, Health Equity, & the Nursing Profession | 3 |
NURSING 407 | Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice | 3 |
NURSING 480 | Leadership: Nursing in an Evolving Healthcare System | 3 |
NURSING 490 | Synthesis for Nursing Practice | 3 |
NUT SCI 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
NUT SCI 421 | Community and Public Health Nutrition | 3 |
ORG LEAD 198 | Introduction to Leadership | 3 |
ORG LEAD 301 | Rising Leadership | 3 |
ORG LEAD 302 | Gender & Equity in Organizational Leadership | 3 |
ORG LEAD 348 | Organizational Behavior Across Sectors | 3 |
ORG LEAD 400 | Organizational Leadership Capstone | 3 |
PHILOS 208 | Biomedical Ethics | 3 |
PHILOS 212 | Philosophy, Religion, and Science | 3 |
PHILOS 213 | Ancient Philosophy | 3 |
PHILOS 227 | Business Ethics | 3 |
PHILOS 308 | Philosophy and the Sciences | 3 |
PHILOS 324 | Contemporary Philosophy | 3 |
PHILOS 351 | Happiness and the Good Life | 3 |
PHILOS 420 | Metaphysics | 3 |
PHYSICS 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
POL SCI 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
POL SCI 306 | Regulatory Policy and Administration | 3 |
POL SCI 310 | The American Presidency | 3 |
POL SCI 316 | Congress: Politics and Policy | 3 |
POL SCI 318 | Political Behavior | 3 |
POL SCI 378 | Environmental Law | 3 |
POL SCI 340 | Political Theory | 3 |
PSYCH 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
PSYCH 300 | Research Methods in Psychology | 4 |
PSYCH 344 | Dying, Death, and Loss | 3 |
PSYCH 401 | Psychology of Women and Gender | 3 |
PSYCH 432 | Wrongful Convictions | 3 |
PSYCH 443 | Spirituality and Development | 3 |
PSYCH 490 | Capstone in Psychology | 3 |
PSYCH 492 | Applied Research Lab | 3 |
PUB ADM 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
PUB ADM 301 | Environmental Politics and Policy | 3 |
PUB ADM 306 | Regulatory Policy and Administration | 3 |
PUB ADM 315 | Public and Non-Profit Management | 3 |
PUB ADM 322 | Environmental Planning | 3 |
PUB ADM 326 | Philanthropy: Civic Engagement through Giving | 3 |
PUB ADM 344 | Leadership in Organizations | 3 |
PUB ADM 408 | Public Policy Analysis | 3 |
SCM 384 | Advanced Supply Chain Management | 3 |
SOC WORK 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
SOC WORK 411 | Micro Methods I | 3 |
SOCIOL 308 | Sociology of the Family | 3 |
SOCIOL 310 | Urban Sociology | 3 |
SOCIOL 324 | Latino Communities in the United States | 3 |
SOCIOL 357 | Environmental Justice | 3 |
SPANISH 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
SPANISH 224 | Heritage Language and Culture | 3 |
SPANISH 225 | Composition and Conversation | 3 |
SPANISH 329 | Representative Spanish and Latin American Authors | 3 |
SPANISH 355 | Spanish and Latin American Cinema | 3 |
SPANISH 465 | Special Topics | 3 |
THEATRE 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
THEATRE 200 | Script Analysis | 3 |
THEATRE 211 | World Theatre and Performance | 3 |
THEATRE 250 | Dramaturgy I (Theatre Theory & Research Methods) | 3 |
THEATRE 302 | Playwriting I | 3 |
THEATRE 309 | Theatre History I:Greek to 19th Century | 3 |
THEATRE 310 | Theatre History II: Realism to Contemporary | 3 |
THEATRE 402 | Playwriting II (the Long Play) | 3 |
THEATRE 410 | Playwrights Workshop | 3 |
THEATRE 415 | Contemporary Playwriting Methods | 3 |
THEATRE 450 | Dramaturgy II (Theatre Theory in Practice) | 3 |
UR RE ST 313 | The City Through Time and Space | 3 |
UR RE ST 342 | Community Economic Development | 3 |
WF 105 | Research and Rhetoric | 3 |
WF 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
WF 200 | Professional Writing for Business Majors | 3 |
WOST 198 | First Year Seminar | 3 |
WOST 241 | Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | 3 |