Physical Education

Including Coaching Certification

Faculty - Tim Kaufman, Chair

The physical education unit does not offer a major or minor. However, physical education credits are included in a student’s grade point average and may be applied toward a degree where approved by a program or as elective credits.

Enrollment in physical education activity presumes a student’s health status is appropriate for the course selected. A physical examination and the filing of a health history form with the office of Student Health Services are recommended.

Coaching Certification

The coaching certification program consists of a minimum of 18 credits to prepare students for coaching responsibilities and is approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for athletic coaching preparation for the public schools of Wisconsin. Youth-sport coaches are encouraged to acquire similar training.

Students desiring certification may normally complete requirements within two academic years, but it is wise to begin coaching certification coursework early. Completion of the coaching certification program is noted on your transcript.

Some coaching certification courses are appropriate for interdisciplinary study and many students select individual courses without completing the entire program. Persons already teaching and/or coaching may take courses to expand their personal and professional background.

Since many of the following courses are dual listed at the undergraduate and graduate levels, some students may opt to use select courses to satisfy degree requirements in various graduate programs. Students should consult with their graduate program advisor for approval. 

UW-Green Bay’s coaching certification program is consistent with the recommendations of the National Council of State High School Coaches, the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport, and the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

First Aid/CPR Requirement0-3
First Aid and Emergency Care Procedures
Or faculty approved external certification
Required Courses18
Introduction to Human Biology
Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes
Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries
Principles of Coaching
Philosophy of Athletics and Coaching
Organization and Administration of Athletics
Field Experience in Coaching
Total Credits18-21