Civic and Community Engagement

Certificate Program

The Civic and Community Engagement Certificate Program is a campus-wide program open to students in any major that combines Academic Affairs and Student Affairs areas of our campus. Consistent with UWGB’s problem-focused, interdisciplinary traditions, traditional course work is available across a broad range of fields, including, but not limited to Public and Environmental Affairs, Psychology, Education, Democracy & Justice Studies, First Nations Studies, and Women and Gender Studies. The certificate also includes the development of a participant-directed, high impact practices such as an internship, research project or other practicum. It draws on HIPs outside traditional classroom to recognize significant community- and civics-related initiatives provided by the Student Engagement Center, Cofrin School of Business, Campus Compact, and Tommy L. Thompson Center for Public Leadership on our campus. The Civic and Community Engagement Certificate is flexible and can be earned by students in any major and does not add any time to degree or tuition costs.

The Civic and Community Engagement Certificate Program consists of courses covering two key categories: engagement and praxis inside and outside traditional classroom. The Certificate is participant-driven, allowing those enrolled to select courses and experiences directed by areas of interest in consultation with a CCE Faculty Advisor. It also treats community engagement holistically and recognizes complex civic lives of our students, who contribute significant time and effort to the life of our campus and community outside traditional coursework.

The certificate is available to current students majoring in any field and members of the community who want to gain “soft skills,” and enhance their understanding of the local community, and earn a formal credential.

Choose 4 courses (12 credits) from the list below:12
Civic Scholars Practicum
Mentoring for Equity and Inclusion
Phuture Phoenix Service Learning
Mentoring First Nations Youth
Peer Mentor for First Year Seminars
Independent Study
Mentoring for Equity and Inclusion
Applied Research Lab (Topic: New Scholars Rising)
Philanthropy: Civic Engagement through Giving
Topics in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Total Credits12

In addition to coursework, students must complete at least one of the community engagement experiences listed below.  

Students must complete at least twelves credits of coursework (4 courses) and at least one non-credit community engagement experience.  

Community Engagement Outside Classroom (non-credit bearing and verified by the Center for Community Engagement or badgr-verified, if available) 

Take 1-4 experiences from the list below:

Student Ambassadors or Student Government Association
ELE plus SEC programming, including potential Civics Week and Active Citizen Cohort program (Student Engagement programming)
Civil Dialogues Campus Leader experience
Newman Fellowship experience
Maple Street Project participation
Women Leadership Institute certificate
Mentoring Project at the Cofrin School of Business (soon to be open to all majors)
Phoenix Leadership Program certificate from the Cofrin School of Business (open to all majors)
Non-Campus Community Engagement portfolio (Leadership GB, serving on community org’s Board, and similar)

Any internship, independent study, teaching assistantship, research assistantship or honors project dealing with community and civic engagement (any prefix) as well as community or civic engagement courses in the major, subject to CCE approval.

*Once students declare certificate, CCE staff (,, and should be notified for future advising and evaluation of non-credit experiences and non-listed curricular options.