This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


(Bachelor of Business Administration)

The Marketing major in UW-Green Bay's Cofrin School of Business provides students with in-depth knowledge in marketing through a rigorous curriculum with courses covering a wide range of topics, such as digital marketing, international marketing, sales, consumer behavior, social media marketing, advertising, and marketing strategy.

The program provides considerable exposure to the liberal arts and develops the critical thinking, problem-solving, interpersonal, communication, quantitative and computer skills needed by graduates to successfully serve as leaders within modern organizations. The program also addresses contemporary organizational issues such as global competition, social responsibility and ethics, sustainability, and the relationship between organizations and various environmental forces.

In the marketing major students start by taking general education and introductory-level business courses. Additionally, students take courses that provide an overall understanding of business, such as the basics of Marketing, Accounting, Human Resources, Management and Finance among others. Finally, students take marketing-specific upper-level courses and complete a capstone course, prior to applying for graduation.

The Marketing faculty are experts in their field who use a variety of pedagogical practices and connect the classroom to the real-world. Students are also encouraged to complete internships for credit.

Entrance and Exit Requirements

Students can declare a Marketing major at any time with any number of credits through a simple online process.  To declare, students must complete an online Declaration of Major/Minor/Certificate e-form, which includes reading and accepting an Honor Code (pre-declaration form). Your advisor will be assigned to you after the e-form is received.

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 to proceed in the course progression. All students must meet this exit requirement to graduate. Students intending to graduate with this major must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average.


Foundational Courses33-37
Principles of Financial Accounting
Principles of Managerial Accounting
Principles of Sustainability in Business
Business and Its Environment
Spreadsheet and Information Systems
Macro Economic Analysis
Micro Economic Analysis
Introduction to Human Resource Management
Business Ethics
Principles of Supply Chain Management
Statistics (choose one):
Business Statistics
Introductory Statistics
Writing (choose one):
Professional Writing for Business Majors 1
Research and Rhetoric
Upper-Level Foundational Courses36
Legal Environment of Business
e-Entrepreneurship and Digital Management
Corporation Finance
Organizational Behavior
Principles of Marketing
Project Management
Marketing Required Courses
Digital Marketing
International Marketing
Consumer Behavior
Marketing Elective Courses (2 of the following courses):
Selling and Sales Management
Research Methods
Marketing Strategy
Social Media Marketing and Analytics
Capstone Experience3
Capstone in Business Strategy
Total Credits72-76


Required courses:12
Principles of Marketing
Digital Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Consumer Behavior
Choose any 2 of the following:6
Selling and Sales Management
Social Media Marketing and Analytics
International Marketing
Research Methods
Any 400-level DESIGN ARTS class (3 Cr.)
Any 400-level COMM class (3 Cr.)
Total Credits18


Allen Huffcutt; Professor; Ph.D., Texas AM University

Sampath Kumar; Professor; Ph.D., University of Memphis*

Vallari Chandna; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University of North Texas, chair

Heather Clarke; Associate Professor; Ph.D., Memorial University

David J Radosevich; Associate Professor; Ph.D., University at Albany, State University of New York*

Dianne Murphy; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Md Tarique Newaz; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Aniruddha Pangarkar; Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Texas Tech University

Susan Craver; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.B.A., University of Wisconsin - Madison

Anup Nair; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.B.A., Birla Institute of Technology and Science (India)

Dylan Polkinghorne; Assistant Teaching Professor; M.S., University of Wisconsin - Green Bay