This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

English Major

Area of Emphasis

Students must complete requirements in one of the following areas of emphasis:

  • Creative Writing
  • English Education
  • Literature

Creative Writing

Supporting Courses9-12
Introduction to Creative Writing
Literary Studies
Research and Rhetoric 1
Choose 1 additional Lower-Level Literature Course:
Introduction to Literature
Women in Literature
Introduction to English Literature I
Introduction to English Literature II
Introduction to American Literature I
Introduction to American Literature II
World Literatures
World Literatures II
Upper-Level Courses24
Intermediate Creative Writing
Sheepshead Review Practicum
Upper-Level Writing Workshops (choose 2 courses)
Short Fiction Writing Workshop
Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop
Creative Nonfiction Writing
Novel Writing Workshop
Novel Revision Workshop
Topics in Creative Writing
Upper-level Literature courses (choose 4 courses): 2
The British Novel
Major Drama
Major Poetry
Topics in Literary Criticism
Major American Prose Fiction
Literary Themes
Literary Eras
American Ethnic Literature
World Literatures
History of the English Language
African American Literature
Major Author(s)
Total Credits33-36

English Education

Supporting Courses21
Introduction to English Literature I
Introduction to English Literature II
The English Novel: 1850's to the Present
Introduction to American Literature I
Introduction to American Literature II
Literary Studies
Introduction to Language
Research and Rhetoric 1
Topics in Creative Writing
Upper-Level Courses24
Adolescent Literature in Middle and Secondary School Reading
American Ethnic Literature
African American Literature
Choose a minimum of 3 credits of the following courses: 2
World Literatures
World Literatures II
World Literatures
Choose a minimum of 9 credits of upper-level Literature elective courses: 3
Intermediate Creative Writing
Short Fiction Writing Workshop
Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop
Creative Nonfiction Writing
The British Novel
Major Drama
Major Poetry
Topics in Literary Criticism
Major American Prose Fiction
Literary Themes
Literary Eras
American Ethnic Literature
World Literatures
History of the English Language
African American Literature
Major Author(s)
Total Credits45


Supporting Courses12
Literary Studies
Research and Rhetoric 1
Choose a minimum of 6 credits from the following supporting-level English electives:
Introduction to Literature
Women in Literature
Introduction to Creative Writing
Introduction to English Literature I
Introduction to English Literature II
Introduction to American Literature I
Introduction to American Literature II
World Literatures
World Literatures II
Practicum in Literary Publishing
Upper-Level Courses24
Choose a minumum of 21 credits from the following upper-level English electives: 2
Intermediate Creative Writing
Short Fiction Writing Workshop
Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop
Creative Nonfiction Writing
The British Novel
Major Drama
Major Poetry
Topics in Literary Criticism
Sheepshead Review Practicum
Major American Prose Fiction
Literary Themes
Literary Eras
American Ethnic Literature
World Literatures
History of the English Language
African American Literature
Major Author(s)
Total Credits36

The courses used to fulfill the required 6 credits of supporting-level English electives and the 21 credits of upper-level English electives must be distributed so that the five criteria below are satisfied.

Criterion 1

Choose a minimum of 3 credits (either upper level or supporting level) from any primarily pre-1800 British literature course besides Shakespeare, such as:

ENGLISH 214Introduction to English Literature I3
ENGLISH 320Major Drama3
ENGLISH 335Literary Eras3

Criterion 2

Choose a minimum of 3 credits (either upper level or supporting level) from any primarily post-1800 British literature course, such as:

ENGLISH 215Introduction to English Literature II3
ENGLISH 315The British Novel3
ENGLISH 335Literary Eras3
ENGLISH 436Major Author(s)3

Criterion 3

Choose a minimum of 6 credits (either upper level or supporting level) from any American literature course, such as:

ENGLISH 216Introduction to American Literature I3
ENGLISH 217Introduction to American Literature II3
ENGLISH 322Major Poetry3
ENGLISH 331Major American Prose Fiction3

Criterion 4

Choose a minimum of 3 credits on the Study of Language, such as:

ENGLISH 340History of the English Language3
HUM STUD 321Sociolinguistics3
Minimum of six credits of college-level, non-English language courses

Criterion 5

Choose a minimum of 3 credits (either upper level or supporting level) from any world literature course, such as:

ENGLISH 218World Literatures3
ENGLISH 219World Literatures II3
ENGLISH 338World Literatures3