Area of Study

Students earning the AAS degree must complete one 12 credit Area of Study:

  1. Business: Any 12 credits of ACCTG, BUS ADM, ECON, FIN, HRM, MKTG, MGMT, and/or SCM.

  2. Music and Performing Arts: Any 12 credits of MUSIC, MUS APP, MUS ENS, or THEATRE

  3. Fine Arts: Any 12 credits of ART, ARTS MGT, or DESIGN

  4. Natural Sciences: Any 12 credits of BIOLOGY, CHEM, GEOSCI, ENV SCI, or PHYSICS

  5. Human Biology: Any 12 credits of BIOLOGY, CHEM, HUM BIOL, or NUT SCI

  6. Social Sciences (Individual focus within social sciences): Any 12 credits of ANTHRO, COMM SCI, EDUC 206 , PSYCH, SOCIOL, or WOST (Note: Only this specific Education course has been approved)

  7. Community Sciences (community focus within social sciences): Any 12 credits of ANTHRO, COMM SCI, ECON, GEOG, HISTORY, POL SCI, PU EN AF, DJS, SOCIOL or UR RE ST

  8. Humanities: Any 12 credits of ENGLISH, FNS, HISTORY, HUM STUD, PHILOS, or foreign language (The foreign language credits should not include credits given retroactively)

  9. Computing and Information Sciences: Any 12 credits of COMP SCI or INFO SCI

  10. Communication: Any 12 credits of COMM

  11. Individualized Area of Emphasis: Any 12 credits of coursework reflecting a specific area of interest or study, chosen by the student, and approved by an advisor.