Core Curriculum

First Year Seminar

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

FYS 1: Students will draw on diverse disciplinary perspectives and reflect on the value of interdisciplinary problem solving.   
FYS 2: Students will demonstrate effective communication through the development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication.   
FYS 3: Students will critically evaluate information sources in various formats, recognizing the contextual nature of authority and its relation to credibility.   

First Year Seminar 1
ART 198First Year Seminar3
AVD 198First Year Seminar3
BIOLOGY 198First Year Seminar3
BUS ADM 198First Year Seminar3
CHEM 198First Year Seminar3
COMM 198First Year Seminar3
COMM SCI 198First Year Seminar3
COMP SCI 198First Year Seminar3
DJS 198First Year Seminar3
EDUC 198First Year Seminar3
ENGLISH 198First Year Seminar3
ENV SCI 198First Year Seminar3
EPP 198First Year Seminar3
ET 198First Year Seminar3
FNS 198First Year Seminar3
GEOG 198First Year Seminar3
GEOSCI 198First Year Seminar3
HISTORY 198First Year Seminar3
HUM BIOL 198First Year Seminar3
HUM STUD 198First Year Seminar3
INFO SCI 198First Year Seminar3
ME 198First Year Seminar3
MGMT 198First Year Seminar3
MKTG 198First Year Seminar3
MUSIC 198First Year Seminar3
NURSING 198First Year Seminar3
NUT SCI 198First Year Seminar3
ORG LEAD 198Introduction to Leadership3
PHILOS 198First Year Seminar3
PHYSICS 198First Year Seminar3
POL SCI 198First Year Seminar3
PSYCH 198First Year Seminar3
PUB ADM 198First Year Seminar3
SOC WORK 198First Year Seminar3
SPANISH 198First Year Seminar3
THEATRE 198First Year Seminar3
WF 198First Year Seminar3
WOST 198First Year Seminar3

Occasionally other courses in the catalog are scheduled and offered with additional content to meet the learning outcomes of the first year seminar - these specific class sections are eligible to meet this category

Creative and Artistic Inquiry 

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes*

CAI 1: Students will demonstrate artistic technical skills and domain-specific knowledge necessary to create, execute, or interpret works of art.   
CAI 2: Students will apply historical, stylistic, cultural, or aesthetic knowledge to a creative process or performance using domain-appropriate criteria.   
CAI 3: Students will synthesize ideas across disciplines to generate contemporary artistic responses or make fresh observations addressing the human condition.   

ART 102History of the Visual Arts: Ancient to Medieval3
ART 103History of the Visual Arts II: Renaissance to Modern3
ART 105Introductory Drawing3
ART 106Three Dimensional Design3
ART 107Two-Dimensional Design3
ART 243Introduction to Photography3
COMM 120Introduction to Media Production3
ENGLISH 212Introduction to Creative Writing3
MET 207Computer Aided Design3
MUSIC 120Video Game Music3
MUSIC 121Survey of Western Music3
MUSIC 170Fundamentals of Music3
MUSIC 224Popular Music Since 19553
THEATRE 131Beginning Acting3
THEATRE 218Exploring the Arts3

Courses must satisfy 2 of the 3 Learning Outcomes for this category

Human Cultures and Values  

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

HCV 1: Students will identify and evaluate human values and ethical perspectives in their contemporary and historical contexts.   
HCV 2: Students will examine a range of historical, literary, philosophical, and other cultural texts produced in a variety of cultures.  
HCV 3: Students will articulate individual and social values within cultures and the implications of decisions made on the basis of those values.   

ENGLISH 104Introduction to Literature3
ENGLISH 206Women in Literature3
HISTORY 110Debating European History3
HISTORY 111Debating American Democracy3
HUM STUD 110Introduction to Film3
HUM STUD 201Introduction to the Humanities3
ME 150Engineering the Future-Values and Society3
PHILOS 101Introduction to Philosophy3
PHILOS 102Contemporary Ethical Issues3
SOC WORK 285Ethics in Practice3
THEATRE 110Introduction to Theatre Arts3
WOST 102Women's Voices3

Human Society and Behavior  

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

HSB 1: Students will demonstrate a scientific understanding of human behaviors and thoughts on both individual and societal levels, integrating the insights gained from their academic disciplines into their social and civic engagement.    
HSB 2: Students will articulate their responsibilities to society- locally, nationally, and globally.  
HSB 3: Students will apply empathetic communication strategies to effectively express, listen, and adapt to others to establish relationships, to work collaboratively, or to take civic action.   

DJS 102Introduction to Social Justice3
ENTRP 272Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
HUM BIOL 215Personal Health and Wellness3
POL SCI 101American Government and Politics3
PSYCH 102Introduction to Psychology3
PUB ADM 202Introduction to Public Policy3
PUB ADM 215Introduction to Public and Nonprofit Service3
SOC WORK 202Introduction to Social Services3
WOST 241Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3

Global Perspectives  

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

GP 1: Students will identify and explain multiple perspectives (such as cultural, disciplinary, and ethical) when exploring subjects within natural and human systems.   
GP 2: Students will analyze the ethical, social and environmental consequences of human actions and decisions on the natural and human world and global systems.   
GP 3: Students will explain and connect multiple cultures historically or in contemporary contexts, demonstrating respectful interaction with varied cultures and worldviews. 

DJS 104Introduction to Global Democracy and Human Rights3
ENGLISH 218World Literatures3
FRENCH 102Introduction to the French Language II 14
GEOG 102World Regions and Concepts: A Geographic Analysis3
GERMAN 102Introduction to the German Language II 24
HISTORY 103World Civilizations I3
HISTORY 104World Civilizations II3
HUM BIOL 217Human Disease and Society3
HUM STUD 100Global Challenges and the Human Experience3
ME 170Engineering in Global Context3
NUT SCI 250World Food and Population Issues3
PHILOS 216Introduction to Asian Philosophy3
POL SCI 100Global Politics and Society3
SOC WORK 213Human Trafficking3
SPANISH 102Introduction to the Spanish Language II 34

French 102 (More advanced students may instead take French 201, 202, or 320 to fulfill this Core Curriculum category and also earn additional retroactive credits).


German 102  (More advanced students may instead take German 201, 202, or 320 to fulfill this Core Curriculum category and also earn additional retroactive credits).


Spanish 102 (More advanced students may instead take Spanish 201, 202, 224, or 225 to fulfill this Core Curriculum category and also earn additional retroactive credits).

 One of the following will also fulfill the Global Perspectives Requirement:

  • Completion of any approved UW-Green Bay trip outside the United States (XXX-499), or study abroad programs, or student exchange programs outside the United States. Students should contact the Office of International Education for information on travel abroad opportunities.
  • At least six months living experience outside the United States. The Associate Provost or a designee may grant a waiver of the Global Perspectives Requirement to students based on documented prior experience living in a foreign country.
  • Students who are not residents of the United States will satisfy the requirement by residence and coursework at UW-Green Bay.

Ethnic Studies 

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

ES 1: Students will articulate insights into their own cultural rules and biases and engage respectfully with multiple perspectives/cultures.   
ES 2: Students will demonstrate understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to its history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.   
ES 3: Students will interpret intercultural experience from the perspectives of their own and multiple worldviews and demonstrate ability to act in a supportive manner that recognizes the feelings of another cultural group.   

ART 281Art of the First Nations3
ART 282Black Art in America3
DJS 221Law and Equality in Historical Perspective3
EDUC 206Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning3
FNS 201Oneida Language I3
FNS 210American Indians In Film3
FNS 225Introduction to First Nations Studies3
FNS 274Wisconsin First Nations History3
GEOG 211American Ethnic Minorities3
HISTORY 207Introduction to African-American History3
HUM STUD 120Latinx Experiences and Voices in our Community3
HUM STUD 213Ethnic Diversity in America Past and Present3
NUT SCI 202Ethnic Influences on Nutrition3
THEATRE 200Script Analysis3
WOST 201Introduction to LGBTQ Studies3
WOST 203Gender in Popular Culture3

Scientific Methods & Inquiry

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

SMI 1: Students will cultivate scientific information of the appropriate depth from a variety of relevant sources.   
SMI 2: Students will properly demonstrate their use of the scientific method and theoretical framework.   
SMI 3: Students will skillfully evaluate and organize scientific evidence and formulate logical conclusions while discussing any relevant limitations.  

BIOLOGY 102Introduction to Living Systems: From Genes to Ecosystems3
BIOLOGY 201Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Processes3
BIOLOGY 202Principles of Biology Lab: Cellular and Molecular Processes1
CHEM 108Survey of General, Organic and Biochemistry3
CHEM 211Principles of Chemistry I4
COMP SCI 181Human-Centered Design3
COMP SCI 191Living and Learning with AI3
ENGR 186Introduction to Digital Transformation3
ENV SCI 102Introduction to Environmental Sciences3
GEOSCI 202Physical Geology4
GEOSCI 222Introduction to Weather & Climate3
HUM BIOL 102Introduction to Human Biology3
ME 206Chemistry for Engineers4
PHYSICS 143The Solar System3

Environmental Sustainability 

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

EnvST 1: Students will learn and demonstrate the ethical principles of environmental sustainability.   
EnvST 2: Students will articulate an understanding of the scientific principles of environmental sustainability (that may include Traditional Ecological Knowledge) and their interrelation with the natural world through multiple disciplines, systems and diverse sources of information and inquiry.
EnvST 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to discuss environmental sustainability within the context of ethical decision-making and engage in informed judgments about environmental problems as socially responsible citizens.   

CHEM 168Sustainability Chemistry3
ENV SCI 203Environmental Sustainability3
ENV SCI 220Sustainability Strategies and Tools for Addressing Climate Change3
EPP 102Environment and Society3
HISTORY 220American Environmental History3
ME 216Basic and Green Manufacturing Processes3
SOC WORK 204Sustainability and Social Problems3
WATER 201Introduction to Water Science3

Quantitative Reasoning

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

QR 1: Students will develop competency in working with numerical data.   
QR 2: Students will develop the ability to solve quantitative problems in different contexts.   
QR 3: Students will understand, create, and communicate arguments supported by quantitative evidence.   

COMP SCI 140Programming for Quantitative Problem Solving3
ECON 202Macro Economic Analysis3
EDUC 281Conceptual Foundations of Elementary Mathematics I3
MATH 100Math Appreciation3
MATH 104Precalculus4
MATH 202Calculus and Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 260Introductory Statistics4
PHILOS 103Logic and Reasoning3
PHYSICS 144Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe3
PSYCH 205Social Science Statistics4

Information Literacy 

(complete 3 credits)

Learning Outcomes

IL 1: Students will use appropriate search strategies and tools to locate information relevant to their information need, refining strategies based on search results.   
IL 2: Students will critically evaluate sources of information, considering both the expertise and credibility of the creators and the contextual factors that influence the information’s creation, dissemination, and purpose.   
IL 3: Students will give credit to the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation and contribute to the scholarly conversation at an appropriate level.   

COMM 102Introduction to Communication3
COMP SCI 171Technology, Ethics, and Society3
ENGR 236Technical Writing and Information Literacy3
ENV SCI 105Scientific Literacy3
HISTORY 256Why History Matters3
HUM BIOL 206Biology of Human Sexuality3
HUM STUD 230Comics, Society, and Culture3
NUT SCI 242Food and Nutritional Health3
PHILOS 113AI, Algorithms, and Truth3
PSYCH 204Great Myths of the Mind3