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AT 700. Evidence Based Practice I. 3 Credits.
Introduction to the concepts of integrating the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and the needs of the patient to maximize patient outcomes. Topics include: development of clinical questions, use of diagnostic accuracy measures, disablement models, epidemiology, healthcare informatics, and patient reported outcome research.
P: AT 601, or permission of instructor
Fall Only.
Admission Process
...of graduate credits must be earned at the 700-level or higher. A maximum of...
Climate Leadership Certificate
...Credits Required Courses: SMGT 700 Cultural and Historical...sent to UWGB Admissions at
Degree Residency Requirement
...any graduate degree must be taken at the 700-level or higher. Graduate programs with...
Grade Point Average (GPA)
...Only those courses attempted at UW-Green Bay...BC 4 10 DS 700 B 4 12...