Finance (FIN)


FIN 645. International Financial Management. 3 Credits.

Conceptual framework and applications of financial management decisions of multinational firms in a global setting; survey of the international financial environment; determinants of international portfolio and direct investment capital flows; assessment and management of impacts of foreign exchange and hedging strategies; impacts of international factors on capital budgeting and financial structure decisions; multinational money and capital markets; taxation of international business.
P: FIN 343

FIN 646. Advanced Corporation Finance. 3 Credits.

Short-term and long-term financial decisions under risk and uncertainty; financial analysis planning and control; in-depth coverage of theories and applications of capital structure, cost of capital, dividend policies; working capital management; long-term financing decisions; valuation of mergers and acquisitions; international capital budgeting.
P: Graduate Standing and FIN 343 or an equivalent corporation finance course
Fall and Spring.

FIN 647. Derivatives. 3 Credits.

Coverage of derivative products such as: forwards, futures, options, and swap contracts on commodities, interest rates and equities, as well as the markets in which they trade. Fundamental pricing relationships, trading strategies, and risk management, use of the Binomial Options pricing model and the Black-Scholes model to price derivatives. Exploration of different options strategies, put-call parity, and role of derivatives in portfolio management, option Greeks such as: delta, gamma, vega, theta, and rho.
P: FIN 343. REC: FIN 442

FIN 650. Bank Administration and Management. 3 Credits.

Commercial banking theories and practices from a financial management perspective; operations, administration, overall asset-liability management of commercial banks, including bank services, credit and loan pricing and analysis, investment portfolio problems, profitability, cost control, and capital budgeting and analysis; implications of deregulation or re-regulation on the financial industry.
P: FIN 343. REC: ECON 330
Fall Only.