This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Ancient and Medieval Studies Emphasis


Language Requirement

All Humanities majors are expected to fulfill the non-English language requirement by completing one of the following:

  • Complete at least two college-level semesters of a non-English language. Students who have taken French, German or Spanish in high school or who have acquired a knowledge of the language elsewhere may receive credit for that preparation by passing an advanced-level UW-Green Bay course with a grade of “C” or better.

  • Demonstrate the equivalent level of proficiency in a non-English language on a proficiency exam. NOTE: Students seeking to fulfill the language requirement through proficiency testing in French, German, or Spanish should contact the appropriate language coordinator. For skill assessment in other languages, students should contact the chair of Modern Languages.

    Supporting Courses9
    English Composition II: Composition and Rhetoric
    Choose one of the following courses:
    Foundations of Western Culture I
    World Civilizations I
    Choose one course from the following category:
    Foundations of Western Culture II
    World Civilizations II
    Upper-Level Courses27
    Perspectives of Human Values (choose one course from the following category)
    The Ancient World
    The Medieval World
    The Renaissance
    Ancient History (choose one course from the following category):
    Ancient Greece
    Ancient Rome
    Topics in Ancient History
    Ancient and Medieval Religion and Philosophy (choose one course from the following category):
    The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
    The New Testament
    Non-Western Religions
    Religion and Medieval Philosophy
    Plato and Aristotle
    Topics in Philosophy (with ancient or medieval topic)
    Medieval History:
    The Middle Ages 1
    Topics in Medieval History
    Medieval/Renaissance Literature:
    Literary Themes (with ancient/medieval/Renaissance topic for either course)
    Literary Eras
    Capstone Seminar
    Humanities Seminar
    Choose 9 credits of elective courses 2
    Total Credits36