Social Sciences
Social Sciences - complete 6 credits
Learning Outcomes
- Explain how social scientists practice critical thinking.
- Demonstrate the ability to address problems using tools and methods exemplary of the social sciences.
- Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate content in two different social sciences.
Social Sciences 1 6 ANTHRO 100 Varieties of World Culture 3 ANTHRO 304 Family, Kin, and Community 3 ANTHRO 320 Myth, Ritual, Symbol and Religion 3 BUS ADM 202 Business and Its Environment 3 BUS ADM 206 Law and the Individual 3 COMM SCI 301 Foundations for Social Research 3 DJS 101 Introduction to Democracy and Justice Studies 3 DJS 204 Freedom and Social Control 3 DJS/WOST 241 Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies 3 ECON 202 Macro Economic Analysis 3 ECON 203 Micro Economic Analysis 3 ECON 307 History of Economic Thought 3 EDUC 206 Cultural Images in Materials for Children and Adolescents 3 GEOG 102/UR RE ST 102 World Regions and Concepts: A Geographic Analysis 3 GEOG 210 Human Geography and Concepts 3 HUM DEV 102 Introduction to Human Development 3 POL SCI 100 Global Politics and Society 3 POL SCI 101 American Government and Politics 3 POL SCI 202/PU EN AF 202 Introduction to Public Policy 3 POL SCI 301/PU EN AF 301 Environmental Politics and Policy 3 POL SCI 353 Politics of Developing Areas 3 POL SCI 380 Global Environmental Politics and Policy 3 PSYCH 102 Introduction to Psychology 3 PU EN AF 102 Environment and Society 3 PU EN AF 215 Introduction to Public Administration 3 SOC WORK 250 You and Your Future: Living and Working in an Aging Society 3 SOC WORK 275 Foundations of Social Welfare Policy 3 SOCIOL 202 Introduction to Sociology 3 SOCIOL 203 Ethnic and Racial Identities 3 UR RE ST 100 Introduction to Urban Studies 3 UR RE ST 201 City Life and Globalization 3 UR RE ST 205 Urban Social Problems 3 UR RE ST 320 Cities in Cinema 3 UR RE ST 324 Latino Communities in the United States 3 1 Complete two courses (6 credits) in at least two different course prefixes