This is an archived copy of the 2014-2015 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit


Capstone - complete one course

Capstone courses are taken in the last semester as part of the degree completion requirements at UW Green Bay. The capstone course is not waived for students entering with an earned block of credit, articulation agreement or for earning a prior degree.

Learning Outcomes

  • This could be either a classroom seminar experience or another integrative/culminating experience such as an internship/field experience/honors project that again addresses the campus’ interdisciplinary perspective and also has a problem focus. By its very nature, the experience will also have an important communication element. They will all address:
    • Interdisciplinarity
    • Problem-focused
    • Communication
COMM 477Social Media Strategies3
ENV SCI 467Capstone in Environmental Science4
IST 400Capstone: Synthesis and Assessment of Learning3
MUSIC 480Capstone Project3
PSYCH 494Senior Capstone in Psychology3
PU EN AF 430Seminar in Ethics and Public Action3