Social Work (SOC WORK)


SOC WORK 198. First Year Seminar. 3 Credits.

First Year Seminar, topics vary.
Reserved for New Incoming Freshman
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 202. Introduction to Social Services. 3 Credits.

Overview of the disciplinary distinctions within social services positions in the field which interface with vulnerable and oppressed societal groups; explores students’ cultural development and daily life experiences within career exploration.
Fall and Spring.

SOC WORK 204. Sustainability and Social Problems. 3 Credits.

Social work and human service systems roles in promoting environmental sustainability and attention to intertwined social problems are examined in this course.
Fall and Spring.

SOC WORK 213. Human Trafficking. 3 Credits.

This course will examine types of human trafficking; provide an understanding of the scope of the problem, both domestically and globally; and explore responses to addressing this complex human rights issue.

SOC WORK 285. Ethics in Practice. 3 Credits.

The course examines ethics in practice within human services, including critical analysis of complex issues which influence decision-making.
Fall and Spring.

SOC WORK 299. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.

Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.

SOC WORK 301. Research Methods for Generalist Social Work Practice. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview of the stages of design and implementation of research in the social sciences. Formulation of research questions, development of a research plan, and collection and analysis of data are examined. Compares and contrasts a variety of approaches including experimental designs, field research, qualitative and quantitative methods, program evaluation, and historical research. Highlights importance of using research to inform social work practice, and practice to inform research.
P: major in SOC WORK; PSYCH 205 or MATH 260 or BUS ADM 220; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 311, SOC WORK 323, & SOC WORK 372.

SOC WORK 304. Foundations of Crisis Intervention. 3 Credits.

Course teaches foundational application of crisis theory and principles necessary for entry level positions in crisis related services. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 305. The Social Work Profession. 3 Credits.

Orientation to the knowledge, skills and values of professional social work practice. Definition of professional competencies expected of a Bachelor of Social Work graduate and their relationship to field training experience.
P: major in Soc Work; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 313 & SOC WORK 371
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 307. Ethics in Practice. 3 Credits.

Course examines ethics in practice within human services including critical analysis of complex issues which influence decision-making.
P: None. REC: Sophomore standing

SOC WORK 311. Foundations of Social Welfare Policy. 3 Credits.

Overview of the U.S. social welfare institution, including the development of policies and services to meet social problems and the institutional arrangements that provide people with the resources and services to meet their needs.
P: SOC WORK 305 and concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 301, SOC WORK 323, and SOC WORK 372

SOC WORK 313. Skills I: Professionalism & Teamwork. 2 Credits.

Instruction and practice in social work values and ethics, along with professional behaviors and writing, across practice settings. Skill development is emphasized and reinforced through a service-learning component, which provides a framework for determining readiness to progress to the Senior Field Practicum.
P: Major in Social Work; conc enr in SOC WORK 305 & SOC WORK 371.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 323. Skills II: Beginning Interviewing. 1 Credit.

Instruction and practice in basic interviewing skills for the beginning social work professional. Course also includes preparation for the social work field practicum experience.
P: Major in Social Work; SOC WORK 313; conc enr in SOC WORK 301, SOC WORK 311, and SOC WORK 372

SOC WORK 342. Psychopharmacology. 2 Credits.

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of psychopharmacology and the function of the organs and systems of the human body and brain. The course defines biological and chemical aspects of various drugs as well as discuss bio-psycho-social- and environmental approaches to understanding substance use.
P: Sophomore standing

SOC WORK 344. Grant Writing for Success. 2 Credits.

This course introduces students to common components of grant writing for human services organizations, including development of goals, objectives, methods, evaluation plans, and budgets.
P: sophomore standing

SOC WORK 351. Overview of the Child Welfare System. 3 Credits.

Analysis of the place of child welfare policies and services among society's general provisions for family welfare and support. Overview of child welfare programs and services and the broad principles underlying delivery of services.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 371. Human Behavior and the Social Environment I. 2 Credits.

Examines the biological, psychological, social-structural and cultural sources of the behavior of individuals and organizations from the perspective of systems analysis, human diversity and goal-directed behavior; applications to social work practice.
P: Major in SOC WORK; PSYCH 203; WF 105 or concurrent enrollment; concurrent enrollment SOC WORK 305 and SOC WORK 313
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 372. Human Behavior and the Social Environment II. 1 Credit.

Application of concepts from HBSE I with special attention to human diversity.
P: Major in SOC WORK, SOC WORK 371; concurrent enrollment SOC WORK 301, 311, 323

SOC WORK 375. Family Principles and Patterns. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to increase familiarity with the family unit and its social role. Topics include basic principles of the family life cycle, how privilege and social positioning impact family life, and typical transitions and challenges experienced by the family.
P: Jr Standing

SOC WORK 395. Special Topics in Social Work. 1-3 Credits.

In-depth coverage of topics not covered by regular courses, such as substance use, mental health problems, interpersonal violence, PTSD, aging, homelessness, LGBTQ issues, religion, spirituality, globalization, and others. Offerings of different topics can be repeated for credit.
P: so st.; REC: WF 105.

SOC WORK 400. Field Seminar I. 1 Credit.

This seminar course focuses on the application and integration of social work knowledge, values and skills to supervised social work practice in human service settings. The field internship is completed concurrently with the course.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 401. Field Seminar II. 1 Credit.

This seminar course focuses on the application and integration of social work knowledge, values and skills to supervised social work practice in human service settings. The field internship is completed concurrently with the course.
P: Major in Social Work; SOC WORK 400; Concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 403, SOC WORK 421, and SOC WORK 423.

SOC WORK 402. Field Practicum I. 4 Credits.

Actual social service work through placement in a social service agency.
P: Major in SOC WORK, conc enr in SOC WORK 400, SOC WORK 411, & SOC WORK 413, earned grade of "C" or higher in SOC WORK 313.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 403. Field Practicum II. 4 Credits.

Actual social service work through placement in a social service agency.
P: Major in SOC WORK, SOC WORK 402 and conc enr in SOC WORK 401, SOC WORK 421 & SOC WORK 423

SOC WORK 411. Micro Methods I. 3 Credits.

Application of social work methods with individuals, families and groups; focus on assessment, planning and intervention strategies with an introduction to evaluation and termination processes.
P: Major in SOC WORK; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 400, SOC WORK 402 & SOC WORK 413.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 413. Skills III: Advanced Interviewing Skills. 1 Credit.

Instruction and practice in advanced interviewing skills needed by the beginning social work professional.
P: Major in Social Work and SOC WORK 323; conc enr in SOC WORK 400, SOC WORK 402 & SOC WORK 411.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 421. Micro Methods II. 2 Credits.

Theory and methods of planned change interventions with specific populations at risk; integration of micro and macro level practice, with an emphasis on community organizing; evaluation of practice; and termination.
P: Major in SOC WORK, SOC WORK 411; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 401, SOC WORK 403, and SOC WORK 423

SOC WORK 423. Skills IV: Intervention Strategies. 1 Credit.

Instruction and practice in professional interactional skills focusing on small and large groups, and specialized intervention skills.
P: Major in Social Work; SOC WORK 413; conc enr in SOC WORK 401, SOC WORK 403 & SOC WORK 421

SOC WORK 441. Macro Methods I. 3 Credits.

Application of social work methods to planned changes with organizations and communities; explores how agency and community contexts shape social work practice. Instruction and practice in analyzing social problems and related policies; observation with local government policy making; application of skills to specific policy and its implementation in the community.
P: Major in SOC WORK, SOC WORK 311 and 372; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 461
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 442. Macro Methods II. 3 Credits.

Continued application of social work methods to planned changes with organizations and communities; explores how agency and community contexts shape social work practice. Instruction and practice in analyzing social problems and related policies; observation with local government policy making; application of skills to specific policy and its implementation in the community.
P: Major in SOC WORK, SOC WORK 441; concurrent enrollment SOC WORK 462.

SOC WORK 451. Child Welfare Practice. 3 Credits.

Overview of social work practice in child welfare. Examinations of nature and causes of child maltreatment and the role of child welfare. Exploration of the ways practice principles in child welfare are applied in the assessment and intervention phases of helping in the delivery of services.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 455. First Nations Futures and Decolonizing Social Work. 2 Credits.

This course introduces students to the impact of colonization on First Nations societies, and decolonization in terms of First Nations resistance, reclamation, and resilience. Decolonization in social work is also explored.

SOC WORK 461. Applied Research I. 2 Credits.

Introduction to the principles of program evaluation and community research. Design and implement an evaluation research project.
P: Major in Social Work; SOC WORK 301; conc enr in SOC WORK 441
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 462. Applied Research II. 1 Credit.

Analyze and interpret data from community research project; make recommendations for new or changed programs or policies.
P: Major in SOC WORK, SOC WORK 461; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 442

SOC WORK 478. Honors in the Major. 3 Credits.

Honors in the Major is designed to recognize student excellence within interdisciplinary and disciplinary academic programs.
P: min 3.50 all cses req for major and min gpa 3.75 all UL cses req for major.
Fall and Spring.

SOC WORK 495. Teaching Assistantship. 1-6 Credits.

The student and supervising teacher must prepare a statement that identifies the course with which the assistantship will happen, objectives for the assistantship, and expectations in order to fulfill the course objectives. Students are not eligible to receive credit in both the course they assist the instructor with and the teaching assistantship in the same semester. Typically student has previously taken the course prior to enrollment in the assistantship. Course is repeatable for credit.

SOC WORK 497. Internship. 1-12 Credits.

Supervised practical experience in an organization or activity appropriate to a student's career and educational interests. Internships are supervised by faculty members and require periodic student/faculty meetings. Course is repeatable for credit.
P: jr st.

SOC WORK 498. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.

Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early inthe semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript.
P: fr or so st with cum gpa > or = 2.50; or jr or sr st with cum gpa > or = 2.00.
Fall and Spring.

SOC WORK 499. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.

Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.