Psychology (PSYCH)


PSYCH 97. Math Preparation for Social Science Statistics. 1 Credit.

This course will cover the math preparation you will need to be successful in PSYCH 205 (e.g., order of operations, fractions, lines). We will pace the course so that we practice the math concepts that match up to each week's statistical concepts. Offered on a pass/no credit, non-degree credit basis only.
P: Concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 205
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 102. Introduction to Psychology. 3 Credits.

Understanding of behavior from psychophysiological, cognitive, social and clinical perspectives; important issues, methods and findings in the study of psychological processes.
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 103. Applied Learning. 3 Credits.

This course is all about empowering students to take control of their own learning journey. This course teaches the strategies and techniques needed to learn new things effectively, efficiently, and independently. Students will explore different learning theories, cognitive techniques, and the role of curiosity in driving continuous growth. The course culminates in a self-directed learning project, where students will apply what they’ve learned to master a new skill or area of knowledge on their own.
Fall Only.

PSYCH 198. First Year Seminar. 3 Credits.

First Year Seminar, topics vary.
Reserved for New Incoming Freshman
Fall Only.

PSYCH 203. Introduction to Lifespan Development. 3 Credits.

Human development from conception through death: physical development, social and emotional development, and psychological development. Topics may also include personality development, the development of language, intellectual development and creativity, and the process of human learning.
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 204. Great Myths of the Mind. 3 Credits.

This course develops students' information literacy skills by teaching them to debunk common psychology myths. Students will learn to conduct thorough searches, assess source credibility, and synthesize large amounts of information while engaging with both peer-reviewed research and popular media. Emphasis will be placed on critical thinking, academic integrity, and recognizing bias in various forms of information.
Fall Only.

PSYCH 205. Social Science Statistics. 4 Credits.

An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics using social science examples. Data analysis and interpretation including computerized statistical software in a lab setting.
P: PSYCH 97; or Concurrent or prior enrollment in PSYCH 97; or MATH 102; or MATH 094; or WPT:MFND test score >=416; or Post-baccalaureate status
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 225. Career Planning. 1 Credit.

Provides students with the knowledge and resources necessary for effective career decision-making in college. The class sessions and assignments focus on self-assessment, learning and applying career development theories, exploring major and career options, and establishing goals for career/life planning.
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 299. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.

Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.

PSYCH 300. Research Methods in Psychology. 4 Credits.

Critical understandings of empirical research including research ethics, design, data collection, analysis, and communication. Completion of individual and group laboratory projects.
P: PSYCH 102; Previous completion and/or concurrent enrollment of PSYCH 205 or MATH 260 or BUSAN 220
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 308. Physiological Psychology. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the biological bases of behavior. Basic sensory, motor, and brain mechanisms are described in reference to normal and abnormal behaviors.
P: PSYCH 102 AND HUM BIOL 102 or HUM BIOL 240 or BIOLOGY 201/202 with a C or better
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 310. Drugs and Behavior. 3 Credits.

Psychoactive drugs will be studied regarding their effects on the brain, behaviors and society.
P: PSYCH 102 AND HUM BIOL 102 or HUM BIOL 240 or BIOLOGY 201 & BIOLOGY 202
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 315. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. 3 Credits.

This course illustrates the biological bases of behavior with emphasis placed on the basics of neurobiology and the application of neuroscience to our understanding of social, cognitive, and affective processes such as self-control, decision-making, memory, language, and attention. Neuroscience seeks to understand the design and operating principles of the mind, as instantiated in the brain and body.
P: PSYCH 102
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 321. Sport and Performance Psychology. 3 Credits.

This course is intended to provide a general overview of sport and performance psychology with lectures, discussions, and interactive activities. Students will learn basic sport and performance psychology terms, concepts, models, and theories, as well as understand how they affect sport and other (e.g., music) performances.
P: PSYCH 102.

PSYCH 325. Forensic Psychology. 3 Credits.

An overview of scientific theory and research in the intersection of psychology with law and criminal justice. The course will examine the psychological and behavioral issues that impact both the criminal and civil justice systems, and conversely, how law and justice affect human behavior. Topics to be covered include police psychology, eyewitness testimony, competency/insanity, jury selection and decision-making, corrections and re-entry, victimology and victim services, child custody, and juvenile delinquency.
P: PSYCH 102
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 330. Social Psychology. 3 Credits.

An exploration of theory, method, and empirical results regarding individual behavior in groups. Major topics include social cognition, aggression, helping, and attraction.
P: PSYCH 102 AND PSYCH 300 or COMM SCI 301
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 331. Infancy and Early Childhood Development. 3 Credits.

Current theories, methods of study and research in the study of human development from conception through the early childhood years, and the interrelationships among biological, social, and psychological aspects of development.
P: PSYCH 203
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 332. Middle Childhood and Adolescent Development. 3 Credits.

This course examines salient issues concerning adolescent development. Socio-cultural, psychological and physical growth factors in the developmental process of the adolescent are examined.
P: PSYCH 203
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 343. Adult Development and Aging. 3 Credits.

Theory and empirical research concerning developmental processes across the adult life span; psychological, cultural and biological factors which influence development in young adulthood, middle adulthood and old age.
P: PSYCH 203
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 344. Dying, Death, and Loss. 3 Credits.

Death, dying, and loss from a multidisciplinary diversity perspective; the development of death concepts across the life span, end of life issues, different approaches to understanding grief, and cross-cultural death practices and their relation to the American death system.
P: PSYCH 203; REC: PSYCH 300 or PSYCH 302.

PSYCH 350. Cultural Psychology. 3 Credits.

A cross-cultural examination of core psychological processes and areas of study, such as cognition, emotion, development, and personality.
P: PSYCH 102
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 380. Conservation Psychology. 3 Credits.

The psychology behind understanding and motivating humans to practice sustainable behaviors.

PSYCH 401. Psychology of Women and Gender. 3 Credits.

The psychology of women examines traditional and feminist approaches to women in psychological theory and research as frameworks for understanding women's development and experience in family, academic, work, and relationship roles. The interacting influences of biology, socialization, and cultural context are considered. Identity development for males and females throughout the life span, as well as the development and variation of sexual orientation will be discussed.
P: PSYCH 102 or PSYCH 203. REC: PSYCH 203 and PSYCH 300 or PSYCH 302
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 415. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 3 Credits.

Examines the human side of organizations from a scientific framework. Topics include job analysis, performance appraisal, employee selection, training, motivation, job satisfaction, work teams, leadership, and organization development.
P: PSYCH 102.

PSYCH 417. Psychology of Cognitive Processes. 3 Credits.

Contemporary theory and research on thinking processes; how people understand and interpret events around them; attention, recognition, thinking, memory, language, imagery and problem-solving.
P: PSYCH 102
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 424. Psychology of Emotion. 3 Credits.

This is an advanced undergraduate psychology course designed to expose students to the science of emotion. Students will study the many ways in which biological, cultural, cognitive, and other factors can contribute to our emotional experiences.
P: PSYCH 102 and PSYCH 300 or PSYCH 302.

PSYCH 429. Theories of Personality. 3 Credits.

Theories and research in psychology of personality and how biological, emotional, behavioral, social, and cognitive factors affect and are affected by personality.
P: PSYCH 102 AND Psych 203
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 432. Wrongful Convictions. 3 Credits.

Students will examine how human psychology can contribute to the conviction of innocent suspects. Topics such as junk science, misconduct, eyewitness memory, false confessions, and jail house snitches will be discussed. Students investigate various elements of psychology, with an emphasis on cognitive, social, and developmental psychology as they apply to the law. Students learn to read and analyze empirical research, specifically journal articles, to support the concepts discussed in class.

PSYCH 435. Psychopathology. 3 Credits.

This is an advanced undergraduate psychology course designed to describe and critique the primary models for defining and evaluating normal and abnormal human behavior in American society. Students will learn about the many ways in which biological, emotional, behavioral, cultural, and cognitive factors can contribute to distress, impairment, and treatment, both to individuals and those around them.
P: PSYCH 102
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 438. Counseling and Psychotherapy. 3 Credits.

This class provides an introduction to many contemporary approaches to counseling and their theoretical and research base. It also addresses issues relevant to professional practice in the field, along with the roles of development, values, ethics, and context/culture in the counseling process.
P: PSYCH 102
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 440. Multicultural Counseling and Mental Health. 3 Credits.

This course involves an exploration of cultural groups, beliefs, and practices within the U.S. and focuses on ways that culture, race, ethnicity, and associated concepts, such as oppression and privilege, influence definitions and treatments of mental illness.
P: PSYCH 102 and sophomore status.

PSYCH 443. Spirituality and Development. 3 Credits.

This course explores how spirituality, religion, and faith reflect and represent important aspects of development across the lifespan. Important questions to address include the following: How may 'spirituality' be defined? How does religion influence character development? Discussion of theoretical, research, and practice applications.
P: PSYCH 203.

PSYCH 450. Health Psychology. 3 Credits.

This course examines how health and illness are studied from a psychological perspective. Topics include coping with stress, leading a healthy lifestyle, factors influencing smoking, alcohol use, and exercise, the patient-practitioner interaction, and chronic and terminal illness.
P: PSYCH 102.

PSYCH 471. Field Experience I. 2 Credits.

The course will focus on preparation to work with grieving children/adolescents. Students will learn about grief camps for children and help plan activities for Camp Lloyd. Students will prepare for working with the children and each other during Camp Lloyd week.
P: None; REC: PSYCH 344

PSYCH 472. Field Experience II. 1 Credit.

Students will gain hands-on experience working with grieving children at Camp Lloyd. Students will prepare for Camp, serve as a Camp Lloyd Buddy, and reflect on their experiences after camp. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 4 times for a total of 4 earned credits.
P: PSYCH 344; PSYCH 471.

PSYCH 478. Honors in the Major. 3 Credits.

Honors in the Major is designed to recognize student excellence within interdisciplinary and disciplinary academic programs.
P: min 3.50 all cses req for major and min gpa 3.75 all UL cses req for major.
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 490. Capstone in Psychology. 3 Credits.

An in-depth, integrative, interdisciplinary exploration of a topic that varies by section or semester. Course is not repeatable for credit.
P: PSYCH 300; Declared major in psychology; REC: Senior Status
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 492. Applied Research Lab. 3 Credits.

Students are accepted into an applied research lab to acquire in-depth applied research skills working on projects within a group lab setting. Hands-on data application, collection, and interpretation lead to presentations and potential publications. Course may be repeated 4 times for a total of 12 earned credits. Students should use the applications available from the Psychology Department to apply.
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 495. Teaching Assistantship. 1-6 Credits.

The student and supervising teacher must prepare a statement that identifies the course with which the assistantship will happen, objectives for the assistantship, and expectations in order to fulfill the course objectives. Students are not eligible to receive credit in both the course they assist the instructor with and the teaching assistantship in the same semester. Typically student has previously taken the course prior to enrollment in the assistantship. Course is repeatable for credit.
P: PSYCH 102 or PSYCH 203; 3.0 GPA in Psych and consent of instructor
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 496. Research Assistantship. 1-12 Credits.

Students will assist faculty in conducting research. Responsibilities may include literature reviews, library investigations, questionnaire development, recruitment and interviewing of research participants, data collection, management of research studies, data entry, and some statistical analysis. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 12 times for a total of 12 credits.
P: PSYCH 102 OR PSYCH 203 and consent of instructor. REC: PSYCH 300
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 497. Internship. 1-12 Credits.

Supervised practical experience in an organization or activity appropriate to a student's career and educational interests. Internships are supervised by faculty members and require periodic student/faculty meetings. Course is repeatable for credit.
P: jr st and gpa > or = 2.75
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 498. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.

Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early inthe semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript.
P: fr or so st with cum gpa > or = 2.50; or jr or sr st with cum gpa > or = 2.00.
Fall and Spring.

PSYCH 499. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.

Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.