Design Arts (DESIGN)


DESIGN 131. Introduction to Design and Culture. 3 Credits.

The history of the relationship between the consumer, manufacturing and the role design plays in the development of products and other forms of design that impact the economic, environmental and social spheres of contemporary life.
Fall and Spring.

DESIGN 231. Graphic Design Studio I. 3 Credits.

Problem-solving techniques in graphic communication; development of visual, verbal and project management skills applied in graphic design. Development of design and technological skills using digital tools.
P: ART 107 and DESIGN 131 with at least a C grade; REC: ART 105 or ART 243
Fall and Spring.

DESIGN 236. Environmental Design Studio I. 3 Credits.

Introduces use of creative problem solving techniques in defining, analyzing, and solving problems in the built environment at the scale of the individual. Emphasizes basic graphic and verbal presentation techniques and relationships between form, the natural environment, people, and function.
P: ART 105, UR RE ST 100
Fall Only.

DESIGN 238. Design Thinking for the Intentional Life. 3 Credits.

This course provides a framework for intentionally developing a creative life. You will learn to harness and apply creative practices that are beneficial personally, academically, and professionally for skills related to problem-solving, decision-making, and working with other people. The framework is based upon Design Thinking and other methodologies from scholarly, professional and creative disciplines.

DESIGN 298. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.

Independent study is offered on an individual basis at the student's request and consists of a program of learning activities planned in consultation with a faculty member. A student wishing to study or conduct research in an area not represented in available scheduled courses should develop a preliminary proposal and seek the sponsorship of a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests. A written report or equivalent is required for evaluation, and a short title describing the program must be sent early inthe semester to the registrar for entry on the student's transcript.
P: fr or so st with cum gpa > or = 2.50; or jr or sr st with cum gpa > or = 2.00.
Fall and Spring.

DESIGN 332. Graphic Design Studio II. 3 Credits.

Project based problem-solving techniques in graphic communication: expansion of design and technological skills. Intermediate and advanced design techniques using digital design tools.
P: DESIGN 231 with at least a C grade
Fall and Spring.

DESIGN 350. Typography. 3 Credits.

Typography is an introduction to the art of visual communication: the visual realization of a most basic element of communication - the word. The history of typographic forms, principles of composition, and the expressive potential of type will be explored through reading, research, exercises, and design production. Sequential studies will follow the design process: problem-solving through exploration, experimentation, selection, critique, and refinement. Effectiveness of typographic design will be evaluated in terms of legibility, readability, and expression.
P: ART 107 and DESIGN 231
Fall and Spring.

DESIGN 431. Graphic Design Studio III. 3 Credits.

Advanced methods in design research, problem-solving, design theory and technology use applied in graphic design and visual communications. Perspectives on portfolio development and presentation.
P: DESIGN 332 with at least a C grade.
Fall Only.

DESIGN 433. Advanced Studio. 3 Credits.

Applying concepts and skills in advanced communications projects such as web design and epublication, filmmaking and storytelling. Course is repeatable for credit if topics differ; may be taken 3 times for a total of 9 credits.
P: DESIGN 332 with at least a C grade or with consent of instructor.
Fall and Spring.

DESIGN 435. Design Arts Publication Workshop. 3 Credits.

A comprehensive experience in the design and production of a magazine format publication from the early stages of design through to the finished printed product. Combines conventional design skills developed in the graphic communications studios and use of desktop publishing technology.
P: jr st and DESIGN 332 with at least a B grade
Fall and Spring.

DESIGN 437. Environmental Design Studio II. 3 Credits.

Analysis and design of group spaces, such as houses, classrooms, waiting rooms and other spaces intended for occupancy by groups of people.

DESIGN 438. Environmental Design Studio III. 3 Credits.

Projects at the urban scale: design teams analyze physical, social, economic, historical, and administrative aspects of specific problems. Students formulate urban design programs and produce policies, plans, and designs.
Fall Only.

DESIGN 439. Environmental Design Studio IV. 3 Credits.

Each student proposes, designs and executes a design/research project of an elected topic. Individual projects are acceptable in some instances; projects by design teams are encouraged.

DESIGN 475. Professional Practice Capstone. 3 Credits.

The design professional practice capstone is a lecture/studio and critique class that provides an opportunity for design majors in their last year to develop a capstone project and professional portfolio. The capstone project can consist of independent research or a client work design practicum, and includes a public presentation of the work. In addition, students will develop and refine a body of design work that constitutes a professional graphic design portfolio. The course assignments will give students guidance in improving their current student portfolio pieces, developing new portfolio pieces, and presenting their work, and themselves, to prospective employers in a compelling way. There will be design school graduate guest speakrs who are working as professional designers. They will share their portfolio and job search strategies, and interviewing experiences. The learning environment will consist of guidance with client or independent design work, one-on-one tutorials, small group sessions, class presentations and critiques.
P: DESIGN 350, DESIGN 431; one upper level design studio (choose from DESIGN 433, DESIGN 437, DESIGN 438, or DESIGN 439)

DESIGN 478. Honors in the Major. 3 Credits.

Honors in the Major is designed to recognize student excellence within interdisciplinary and disciplinary academic programs.
P: min 3.50 all cses req for major and min gpa 3.75 all UL cses req for major.

DESIGN 495. Teaching Assistantship. 1-6 Credits.

The student and supervising teacher must prepare a statement that identifies the course with which the assistantship will happen, objectives for the assistantship, and expectations in order to fulfill the course objectives. Students are not eligible to receive credit in both the course they assist the instructor with and the teaching assistantship in the same semester. Typically student has previously taken the course prior to enrollment in the assistantship. Course is repeatable for credit.

DESIGN 496. Project/Research Assistantship. 1-6 Credits.

The student must prepare a research proposal, and both parties should identify the research arrangement and how the student will complete the work to fulfill the course objectives within the assigned term.
P: jr st.

DESIGN 497. Internship. 1-12 Credits.

Supervised practical experience in an organization or activity appropriate to a student's career and educational interests. Internships are supervised by UWGB career advisors.
P: jr st, declared Design major or minor, 2.75 GPA in major or minor courses, DESIGN 431 with B grade
Fall and Spring.