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THEATRE 241. Improvisation for Business. 3 Credits.

What do you do when you make a mistake or are thrown by the question? You improvise! Learn the tools great improvisers use to surprise us and make us laugh, and use them to help you succeed in situations you’re not fully prepared for. Practice active listening, diving in, saying not only “yes” but “Yes and!”. Learning Outcomes will include: Students will develop confidence speaking in front of a group Students will become more comfortable with uncertainty and adapt quickly to new situations Students will apply empathetic communication strategies to effectively express, listen, and adapt to others to establish relationships, to work collaboratively, or to take action. Students will demonstrate an understanding of human behaviors and thoughts on both individual and societal levels, integrating the insights gained from their academic disciplines into their social and civic interactions. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
Fall and Spring.