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SCM 384. Advanced Supply Chain Management. 3 Credits.

This course allows students to understand the components of Supply Chain Management (SCM), and its role within and across the function in an enterprise. The objectives of supply chain management are to create value, build a competitive infrastructure, leverage worldwide logistics, synchronize demand and supply, and to measure performance. SCM deals with storage and distribution of goods and services, in the right quantity, right condition, at the right time, and in the right place. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the supply chain management function and associated concepts. The course provides an understanding of the activities involved in this function. This course also provides a basic understanding of the analytical tools and applications used in SCM. The course introduces some challenges in managing global supply chains. The course provides an opportunity to work in teams, explore a real-life situation related to concepts taught in the course, and to do a research project. This course has been identified as a Cofrin School of Business High Impact Practice (HIP) course. HIPs are rigorous courses that include engaging teaching methods such as regular feedback, peer and faculty interaction, structured reflection, and application of knowledge.
P: SCM 200 and an overall minimum GPA of 2.5
Fall and Spring.