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PHILOS 113. AI, Algorithms, and Truth. 3 Credits.

This course examines how we know what we know in an age of information overload, exploring both ancient philosophical questions and contemporary challenges. Students will learn how social media, algorithms, and artificial intelligence have transformed our relationship with truth, while developing practical skills for evaluating information and conducting research. Through studying philosophical ideas about knowledge alongside modern theories of information literacy, students will learn systematic approaches to finding, evaluating, and using information effectively. The course features a scaffolded annotated bibliography project that guides students through researching contemporary information challenges such as: How do we evaluate the accuracy of artificial intelligence? What impact do algorithms have on our ability to acquire truth? How has social media transformed how we collectively determine what is true? From developing search strategies to proper citation, students will combine philosophical frameworks with hands-on research skills to develop both the theoretical understanding and practical tools needed to navigate today's complex information landscape and contribute thoughtfully to academic discourse.
Fall Only.