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MET 390. Mechatronics. 3 Credits.

This course provides the knowledge and skills for the design and development of mechanical systems that utilize microcontrollers (dedicated control computers) in order to achieve performance that is not possible with purely mechanical systems, for example: feedback control, automatic acquisition of performance data, adaptive behavior, and interacting with operators (user interface). Students will gain lab-based, hands-on exposure to the design of mechatronic systems including: real-time programming of a microcontroller; selecting sensors and actuators and interfacing them to a microcontroller; and the development and testing of an actual mechatronic system. In addition, students will gain an appreciation for key aspects of mechatronic systems including: sampling rates, noise, interrupts, open and closed-loop control, system integration, and the importance of good documentation.
P: ME 204 with a C or higher, and ME 308 with a C or higher

Mechanical Engineering

...Management (3 s.h.) MET 385 Robotics (3 s.h.) ET 390 Mechatronics (3 s...