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ME 334. Industrial Decision Processes. 3 Credits.

Industrial decision processes, or operations research, is an applied science that deals with quantitative decision making, usually involving the allocation and control of limited resources. Its focus is using advanced analytical methods for industrial decision making via mathematical optimization and statistical analysis. This course will provide students with the tools and concepts to analyze real world problems in terms of economics and risk.
P: MATH 104 with a C or better or higher level math placement and junior standing. REC: MATH 260 or other introductory statistics course.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

...3 s.h.) ME 334 Industrial Decision Processes (3 s.h.) ME 422 Machine Component...

Electrical Engineering Technology

...and Alternate Energy Systems (3 s.h.) ME 334 Industrial Decision Processes (3 s.h...

Electrical Engineering

...360 Project Management (3 s.h.) or ME 334 Industrial Decision Processes (3 s.h...