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FNED 898. Dissertation Project Seminar: Relational Knowledge and Praxis. 3-9 Credits.

Students enroll in dissertation seminar in year three. Students take 3 credits each term in fall, spring, and summer. This course meets face to face and with embedded field work. In the first term of the course, students prepare for and complete their individual written comprehensive exams and the all-cohort oral exam. Throughout the remainder of the course, in terms two and three, students build collaborative partnerships with communities and tribal partners to define an issue or problem. Students will examine the research literature and apply the findings of the literature to the issue. Students will design a project proposal addressing the issue. Students will prepare their dissertation project for UWGB IRB review and IRB review in the individual tribal communities, as appropriate. Each dissertation project must incorporate intergenerational learning. In other words, just as Ed.D. students have learned from oral traditional scholars throughout their coursework, they must, in turn, design a dissertation project that incorporates younger learners. Student can create an individual dissertation project. In addition, we will consider projects designed using the Ed.D. consultancy model and thematic groups model, whereby, students work to understand and address a problem in teams. At the end of year three and the completion of 9 dissertation seminar credits, students must successfully defend a written dissertation project proposal.
P: Successful completion of the following: FNED 800, 801, 804, 805, 807, 820, 825, 826, 830, 831, 832, 834.

Doctorate of Education in First Nations Education

The program is centered in Indigenous knowledge systems and draws upon Indigenous teaching and learning methods. The program aligns with the UW-Green Bay’s mission to provide an interdisciplinary, problem-focused educational experience that prepares students to think critically and address complex issues in a multicultural and changing world. The Ed.D. in First Nations Education enriches the quality of life for students and the community by embracing the educational value of diversity, encouraging engaged citizenship, and serving as an intellectual and cultural resource for First Nations and non-First Nations communities. In addition, the Ed.D. advances the institutional goal of improving teaching and learning with its focus on First Nations Elder epistemology and pedagogy. 

Enrollment Status (full time, part time)

...students enrolled in doctoral dissertation credit (FNED 898 or FNED 899), is 3 credits per...