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ENTRP 481. Small Business Management & Family Entrepreneurship. 3 Credits.
This course focuses on topics in small business management, family business, and family entrepreneurship. These include: buying (into), growing, and selling or exiting a small business and family business; self-employment, employees, and contractors; microbusiness topics; hiring, training, and employee development in small and family businesses; finance and accounting functions in small and family businesses; intellectual property and forms of business ownership; family entrepreneurship strategies; and franchising strategies. This course has been identified as a Cofrin School of Business High Impact Practice (HIP) course. HIPs are rigorous courses that include engaging teaching methods such as regular feedback, peer and faculty interaction, structured reflection, and application of knowledge.
P: Junior status and an overall minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher; Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, HR Management, Management, Marketing major or minor, Org Lead major with a BUS ADM emphasis, or Entrepreneurship certificate
Fall and Spring.