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BUSAN 452. Business Analytics. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on concepts pertaining to business analytics and its application in the business environment using various techniques. Upon completing this course, the student will gain knowledge of data summarization and visualization, as well as descriptive and predictive data analytics in decision-making. The course covers various topics such as data description, data visualization, regression, classification, and other analytical models. Students will also be expected to learn how to apply analytical methods to business problems through performing hands-on examples and projects over the course of the semester using statistical packages such as R. This course has been identified as a Cofrin School of Business High Impact Practice (HIP) course. HIPs are rigorous courses that include engaging teaching methods such as regular feedback, peer and faculty interaction, structured reflection, and application of knowledge.
P: BUSAN 220 or MATH 260; and BUSAN 230 and Bus Adm major or minor or Acctg major or minor and an overall minimum GPA of 2.5
Fall and Spring.


...Elective Courses (choose 2): 6 BUSAN 452 Business Analytics BUSAN 464 Data Visualization and Storytelling...