M.S. in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

Applied Track

Required Courses:39
Applied Psychological Statistics and Methods
Counseling Microskills
Theories of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
Theoretical Orientations
Professional Ethics in Psychology
Applied Sport and Performance Psychology
Sport Sociology
Psychology of Injury
Multicultural Psychology
Practicum I
Practicum II
Special Topics and Projects
Total Credits39

Required Culminating Project Process:

  1. In their last semester of study, Applied Track students will complete a culminating project (in PSYCH 790) that requires students to reflect on and knowledge and experience gained throughout their practicum courses and applied consulting work. The project includes a paper and a poster. The poster will be presented at the end of the year SEPP event. 

  2.  A GR4 form that is approved by the student’s SEPP faculty advisor and by Graduate Studies. Filing the Approval of the Project Presentation (GR-4 Form) with the Graduate Studies Office indicates satisfactory completion of the culminating project.   

  3. The Registrar’s Office confers the student’s degree once the following materials are submitted: Final grades entered for all courses that demonstrate degree requirements are fulfilled and completed GR4 form.  

Course-Based Track

Required Courses:30
Applied Psychological Statistics and Methods
Counseling Microskills
Theories of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
Theoretical Orientations
Professional Ethics in Psychology
Applied Sport and Performance Psychology
Sport Sociology
Psychology of Injury
Multicultural Psychology
Special Topics and Projects
Choose 9 credits of electives:9
Health Promotion Through the Lifespan
Interprofessional Education Seminar
Data Science for Managers
Principles of Coaching (Education is adding EDUC 616, 617 and 618 to their graduate curriculum this catalog year)
Philosophy of Athletics and Coaching
Organization and Administration of Athletics
Contemporary Health and Wellness Perspectives
Strategic Management for Wellness Managers
Professional Communication for Wellness Managers
Exercise and Nutrition in Health and Disease
Holistic Aspects of Health
Planning and Evaluation for Wellness Managers
Human and Group Behavior
Organizational Behavior
Leading the Self
Community and Public Health Nutrition
Culinary Medicine
Dying, Death, and Loss
Motivational Interviewing
Psychopathology in Clinical Social Work
Assessing Risk, Resilience, and Psychopathology in Social Work
Total Credits39

Required Culminating Project Process:

  1. In their last semester of study, Course-Based Track students will complete a culminating project (in PSYCH 790) that requires students to reflect on milestone learning/knowledge experiences that provided them the opportunity to demonstrate, apply, and accomplish the SEPP program learning outcomes. Additionally, students will reflect on how their acquired SEPP program learning outcomes will inform their future career. The Culminating Project includes a paper and a poster. The poster will be presented at the end of the year SEPP event. 
  2. A GR4 form that is approved by the student’s SEPP faculty advisor and by Graduate Studies. Filing the Approval of the Project Presentation (GR-4 Form) with the Graduate Studies Office indicates satisfactory completion of the culminating project.   
  3. The Registrar’s Office confers the student’s degree once the following materials are submitted: Final grades entered for all courses that demonstrate degree requirements are fulfilled and completed GR4 form.