Tuition and Fees


Fees and tuition are subject to change by action of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents and the Wisconsin Legislature. The actual costs for each academic year are available through the Bursar’s Office. Consult the Bursar’s website at or the Office of Graduate Studies website at


A student's resident classification is made during the admission process. The determination is fully explained, as is some reciprocity and tuition programs, on the Registrar website.

If you have further questions or want additional information please contact the Residency Examiner at (920) 465-2725 or

Non-Resident Tuition Waivers

Non-resident tuition waivers are available on a competitive basis for students with a record of high academic achievement. Recipients of waivers remain responsible for Wisconsin resident tuition and fees.

Other Financial Aid

In addition to graduate assistantships, several other grant or aid programs are available. These include Perkins Loans, Stafford Loans, or University work/study awards. Students defined as minority group members may apply for Advanced Opportunity Grants or Wisconsin Indian Student Assistance Grants. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at (920) 465-2075.

Other Fee Related Policy Information

Tuition Appeals

  • Students who wish to appeal institutional charges may do so via the tuition appeal process using the Appeal Institutional Charges form. The appeal institutional charges policy is also referenced, using this same link.
  • Students must pay for completed coursework (i.e., grades that are earned and are part of the academic record). Students appealing institutional charges for coursework for which grades have already been earned must first complete a late drop/withdrawal appeal. Tuition appeals are not reviewed unless the grade earned has been removed.