Social Work (SOC WORK)


SOC WORK 542. Psychopharmacology. 2 Credits.

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of psychopharmacology and the function of the organs and systems of the human body and brain. The course defines biological and chemical aspects of various drugs as well as discuss bio-psycho-social- and environmental approaches to understanding substance use.
P: Graduate standing

SOC WORK 544. Grant Writing for Success. 2 Credits.

This course introduces students to common components of grant writing for human services organizations, including development of goals, objectives, methods, evaluation plans, and budgets.
P: Graduate standing

SOC WORK 655. First Nations Futures and Decolonizing Social Work. 2 Credits.

This course introduces students to the impact of colonization on First Nations societies, and decolonization in terms of First Nations resistance, reclamation, and resilience. Decolonization in social work is also explored.


P: May be repeatable for credit. None.

SOC WORK 699. Travel Course. 1-6 Credits.

Travel courses are conducted to various parts of the world and are led by one or more faculty members. May be repeated to different locations.
P: cons of instr & prior trip arr & financial deposit.

SOC WORK 700. Gateway to the Profession of Social Work. 2 Credits.

This course introduces students to the multi-level facets of the social work profession with a focus on teamwork and collaboration. This course is taken in the first semester of the generalist curriculum and sets the framework upon which subsequent MSW course and learning experiences are built.
P: Admission to the MSW Program.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 701. Contemporary Social Work Ethics. 3 Credits.

This generalist course is designed to introduce MSW students to a wide range of ethical issues that impact practitioners in various settings.
P: Admission to the MSW Program

SOC WORK 702. Generalist Practice I. 3 Credits.

This course promotes MSW level development of skills necessary to practice social work with diverse client populations.
P: Admission to MSW Program
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 704. Generalist Practice II. 3 Credits.

This course promotes masters' level development of skills necessary to practice social work with diverse groups within organizations and communities.
P: Admission to the MSW Program; Completion of SOC WORK 702

SOC WORK 707. Human Behavior and the Social Environment. 2 Credits.

Integration of theories and models examining the complexity of person/environment functioning with respect to individuals, families, small groups, organizations, and communities.
P: Admission to the MSW Program

SOC WORK 711. Foundations of Social Welfare. 3 Credits.

This course examines the origin and change of social welfare arrangements in the U.S. to meet human needs. It traces the evolution of the social work profession and social welfare efforts in relation to major economic, social, and political forces over time. Students are introduced to the processes of policy development and policy change and evaluate contemporary social policies affecting poor and disenfranchised groups in the U.S.
P: Admission to MSW Program
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 712. Field I. 4 Credits.

Supervised social work practicum experience in a human service agency setting.
P: Admission to MSW Program; Concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 713 with the same instructor
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 713. Seminar I. 1 Credit.

This generalist seminar course focuses on the application and integration of social work knowledge, values and skills to supervised social work practice in human service settings. The course provides opportunities for immersion in professional social work practice issues and dialogue within a classroom seminar format. The field internship is completed concurrently with the course.
P: Admission to the MSW Program, concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 712 with the same instructor.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 714. Field II. 4 Credits.

Supervised social work practicum experience in a human service agency setting.
P: Admission to MSW Program; SOC WORK 712; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 715 with the same instructor.

SOC WORK 715. Seminar II. 1 Credit.

This generalist seminar course focuses on the application and integration of social work knowledge, values and skills to supervised social work practice in human service settings. The course provides opportunities for immersion in professional social work practice issues and dialogue within a classroom seminar format. The field internship is completed concurrently with the course.
P: Admission to the MSW Program

SOC WORK 716. Field III. 5 Credits.

Supervised social work practicum experience in a human service agency setting.
P: Admission to MSW Program, concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 717 with same instructor
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 717. Seminar III. 1 Credit.

This specialized seminar course focuses on the application and integration of advanced social work knowledge, values and skills to supervised social work practice in human service settings. This course provides opportunities for immersion in professional social work practice issues and dialogue within a classroom seminar format. The field internship is completed concurrently with the course.
P: Admission to MSW Program; Concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 716.
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 718. Field IV. 5 Credits.

Supervised social work practicum experience in a human service agency setting.
P: SOC WORK 716; Concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 719 with same instructor.

SOC WORK 719. Capstone Seminar. 1 Credit.

This specialized seminar course focuses on the application and integration of advanced social work knowledge, values and skills to supervised social work practice in human service settings. This course provides opportunities for immersion in professional social work practice issues and dialogue within a classroom seminar format. The field internship is completed concurrently with the course.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 717, concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 718 with the same instructor

SOC WORK 720. Diversity, Social Justice & Advocacy. 3 Credits.

Social work specialized practice course on working with diverse groups and communities.
P: Admission to MSW Program
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 721. Advanced Practice: Multi-Level Family Systems. 3 Credits.

Advanced social work theory and practice techniques for working with individuals and families.
P: Admission to MSW Program
Fall Only.

SOC WORK 722. Social Work Management & Supervision in the Social Services. 3 Credits.

Advanced social work practice of management and supervision methods for students working in management positions at any level in social service agencies.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 723. Trauma Informed Care. 1 Credit.

Activities in this course focus on the understanding of trauma and its impacts on individuals, families, and communities as applied to the delivery of behavioral health services.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or admission to other graduate program

SOC WORK 724. Motivational Interviewing. 1 Credit.

This course teaches the evidenced based approach of motivational interviewing; developing skills to facilitate personal change, concentrating on addressing ambivalence and motivation to change.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 Admission to other graduate degree seeking program

SOC WORK 727. Psychopathology in Clinical Social Work. 3 Credits.

This course examines mental health and mental illness from a strengths-based social work perspective. Cultural and community factors in defining these issues are addressed. The course focuses on diagnosis and development of evidence-based client plans using the current DSM as a framework.
P: Concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 728. Advanced Policy: Leadership, Advocacy and Practice. 3 Credits.

This course examines the role of social workers as leaders in advocacy efforts in policy practice and social institutions to address the needs of vulnerable and oppressed populations. Students apply an analytical framework from a social justice perspective when analyzing social welfare policy to examine particular practice concerns.
P: Admission to MSW Program.

SOC WORK 731. Research for MSW Practice. 3 Credits.

Advanced research course that prepares students to evaluate their own practice and to carry out independent research projects.
P: Admission to MSW Program

SOC WORK 735. Emerging Issues in Child Welfare. 2 Credits.

Elective course examining contemporary child welfare policies and practices with emphasis upon child safety, permanency and well-being.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor

SOC WORK 737. Crisis Intervention. 3 Credits.

This course contributes to development of practice competency with vulnerable and oppressed groups. The course teaches crisis intervention and emergency treatment approaches and then applies them to vulnerable populations of males and females in the United States.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor

SOC WORK 741. Field V. 8 Credits.

Supervised social work practicum experience in a human service agency setting.
P: Admission to MSW Program.

SOC WORK 742. Seminar V. 2 Credits.

This generalist seminar course focuses on the application and integration of social work knowledge, values and skills to supervised social work practice in human service settings. The course provides opportunities for immersion in professional social work practice issues and dialogue within a classroom seminar format. The field internship is completed concurrently with the course.
P: Admission to MSW Program.

SOC WORK 747. Clinical Theories for Mental Health Practice. 2 Credits.

This course examines the current mental health theories influencing social work direct practice.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 749. Contemporary Interventions in Social Work Practice. 3 Credits.

This direct practice course provides an understanding and application of current and relevant intervention models used by social workers across a spectrum of client populations and focal issues
P: Admission to MSW Program or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 751. Social Work Practice in Schools. 2 Credits.

This course provides students with the conceptual and practical foundation for practicing social work in a school setting.
P: Admission to MSW and/or SSW Certificate programs; concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 718 or SOC WORK 762

SOC WORK 753. Strengths-Based Leadership and Supervision. 3 Credits.

This course contributes to the development of leadership skills for MSW students by focusing on a strengths-based approach to leadership and supervision.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 757. Social Work Practice in the Criminal Justice System. 3 Credits.

Prepares social workers for an understanding of correctional models and their inherent values, bio-psycho-social theories of crime causation, and assessment and intervention skills within a generalist framework.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 761. Overview of Wisconsin DPI School Social Work Standards. 2 Credits.

This on-line course introduces students to internal and external systems that impact K-12 education and educational settings. The following topics and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction school social work standards will be covered in this course: educational policy, social and economic justice, at-risk populations, and diversity. This course is taken prior to SOC WORK 751 and 762.
P: Admission to MSW and/or SSW Certificate programs.

SOC WORK 762. Wisconsin DPI School Social Work Standards Practicum. 3 Credits.

In this course, students will complete a practicum, consisting of a minimum of two days per week in a K-12 school, supervised by a certified school social worker. As part of this course, students will complete a Portfolio demonstrating mastery of the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) school social work standards. This course is taken in conjunction with SOC WORK 751.
P: MSW Degree and Admission to SSW Certificate programs

SOC WORK 767. Assessing Risk, Resilience, and Psychopathology in Social Work. 3 Credits.

The course will assist students to relate generalist practice social work theories to individuals with mental health and substance abuse challenges. The course will examine DSM diagnosis, theoretical models and the implications of each approach relative to assessment and generalist practice settings. In addition, the course will integrate social justice and ethical frameworks in the assessment of mental health and substance abuse within generalist settings.
P: Concurrent enrollment in SOC WORK 728 and/or admitted as special student for SSW Certificate program, or consent of Program.

SOC WORK 777. Forensic Social Work: Policy and Practice. 3 Credits.

This course provides students with the understanding of the field of forensic social work practice which includes both criminal and civil issues. Students will learn to conduct forensic assessments, write court reports, act as expert and fact witnesses and facilitate guardianships. The course covers practice knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts including child welfare, juvenile justice, adult corrections, victim/witness services, health/long-term care, mental health, domestic abuse and disability services. Students apply knowledge to ethical dilemmas encountered in the legal system and learn to advocate on behalf of clients.
P: Completion of SOC WORK 728 or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 795. Special Topics. 3 Credits.

This course provides students an opportunity to strengthen social work practice in work with clients and/or social service agencies on topics such as mental health, addictions, violence or other areas of concern in social work practice. Course is repeatable for credit if topic differs; may be taken 3 times for 9 credits.
P: Admission to MSW Program or consent of instructor.

SOC WORK 798. Independent Study. 1-3 Credits.

P: graduate status
Fall and Spring.