Public Administration (PUB ADM)


PUB ADM 506. Regulatory Policy and Administration. 3 Credits.

The origins, purposes and operation of regulatory agencies and the programs in the U.S.: theories of regulation, issues and controversies in regulatory policy, and decision-making in such areas as economic regulation, public health, consumer protection workplace safety and environmental quality.
P: graduate status
Fall Even.

PUB ADM 514. Administrative Law. 3 Credits.

Administrative law in the American federal (intergovernmental) system: connections between administrative law issues and issues of public policy; and legal dimensions of administrative problems.
P: graduate status
Fall Only.

PUB ADM 522. Environmental Planning. 3 Credits.

History, processes, and impacts of environmental planning in the United States. Action forcing legislation and its effect on environmental issues and processes. Emphasizes environmental planning and implementation at the national, state, and local levels.
P: graduate status

PUB ADM 535. Principles and Practices of Emergency Management. 3 Credits.

The philosophy of comprehensive Emergency Management will be discussed with the four attendent steps, which include mitigation, preparedness, response and recover. In addition, legal issues involving state and Federal law effecting emergency operations will be studied.

PUB ADM 536. Strategic Emergency Preparedness, Planning and Implementation. 3 Credits.

Strategic planning and budgeting is a very important component in emergency planning and mitigation. Learn how to acquire and allocate resources, plan for crises with or without warning, and implement preparedness programs.

PUB ADM 537. Disaster Response Operations and Management. 3 Credits.

Examine the roles and responsibilities of the players in a crisis event. Explore the various problems associated with response operations such as: inadequate preparedness measurers, safety and site security, politics, and record keeping.

PUB ADM 538. Disaster Recovery. 3 Credits.

Examine disaster recovery in isolation. Explore the short and long term effects of disasters, as well as, the process of putting families, businesses and communities back together. You will learn the importance of reconstruction and relocation.

PUB ADM 539. Political and Policy Dimensions of Emergency Management. 3 Credits.

This course considers the political and policy environment in which emergency management is practiced. It focuses on political processes and phenomena associated with mitigating the likely effects of extreme events, responding to them, and recovering from them. The course is intended to help emergency managers develop an understanding of local, state, federal, and intergovernmental politics affecting and affected by extreme events.

PUB ADM 545. Human Resource and Risk Management. 3 Credits.

This course is applicable to organizations which utilize paid or volunteer staff and face multiple sources of risk to their functioning. Topical coverage will include risk assessment and planning as well as staff development, performance standards, and professional practices regarding proper interviewing, hiring, evaluation and dismissal procedures. Legal requirements and the institutional setting for both human resource and enterprise risk management will be examined.
Fall and Spring.

PUB ADM 607. Service in the Public Sector. 3 Credits.

This course explores what is meant by public service, with a special focus on service in local governmental settings. The course considers case studies from the International City/County Management Association and what management and leadership in local government entails.

PUB ADM 625. Marketing, Fund Development, and Grant Writing for Nonprofits. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview of marketing and fund development strategies for nonprofit organizations. The course also provides an overview of the grant writing process including searching for grants and proposal development.
Fall Only.

PUB ADM 628. Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation. 3 Credits.

Develops a working understanding and selected skills relating to the conduct of program evaluations. Evaluation design, data collection, data analysis, and utilization of findings are discussed using the political and social context of "real" organizations.
P: graduate status

PUB ADM 700. Foundations of Public Administration. 3 Credits.

Provides a high-level overview of the field of public administration including the historical development of the discipline, classic literature, historic and contemporary perspectives, and contemporary problems facing those in public service. It also places an emphasis on the democratic imperative of public service that induces the preeminent values of the discipline.
Fall Only.

PUB ADM 701. Research Methods and Evidence Based Decision Making. 3 Credits.

This course examines research design and quantitative data analysis used commonly in public service including categorical analysis and simple linear modeling. Emphasis will be placed on how to utilize existing research or accessing and/or collecting data to make evidence-based decisions within public or nonprofit organizations. Students will also be exposed to research design, measurement, and the use of computer applications appropriate to the public and nonprofit sectors.
Fall Only.

PUB ADM 702. Public and Nonprofit Budgeting and Financial Management. 3 Credits.

This course provides an overview of the processes and techniques of public and nonprofit budgeting, with a specific emphasis on the applied methods and tools needed to successfully create a budget and assess the financial condition of an organization.
Fall Only.

PUB ADM 703. Public and Nonprofit Organizational Management and Behavior. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the effective organization and management of public service organizations including concepts, theories, and perspectives from both a macro-level and micro-level including motivation, communication, politics, conflict, decision-making, and organizational structure.

PUB ADM 704. Public Policy Theories and Analysis. 3 Credits.

This course examines the theories and process of policy making, with a specific emphasis on the applied practice of policy analysis. This includes a discussion of information sources, data analysis methods, and basic tools and skills needed to complete a policy analysis. Theories of public policy are used to frame broader discussions of policy making.

PUB ADM 705. Public and Nonprofit Ethics and Leadership. 3 Credits.

This course introduces students to the theories, concepts, and skills of public sector leadership. This includes ethical leadership and an emphasis on democracy, citizenship, and public interest as the preeminent and guiding values of public action.

PUB ADM 706. Capstone Seminar. 3 Credits.

This course is designed as the culminating experience and final requirement for MPA students prior to graduation. Students will complete an individual capstone project that will require the integration, assessment, and application of the theories, skills, tools, and techniques that have been acquired in the core curriculum of the MPA degree program. The project will demonstrate student mastery of program and course content, but also address current, real-world policy problems and management challenges.
Fall and Spring.

PUB ADM 710. Geographic Information Systems for Public Service. 3 Credits.

Examines the practice of urban, regional, and state planning with focus on the use of geographic information system (GIS) applications for state and local decision-making. Includes an introduction to the scope, theories, and politics of planning.

PUB ADM 715. Community Development. 3 Credits.

Examines the history and theory behind the practice of community development, civic engagement, and public participation and the role public service organizations play in the process. Provides students with practical and effective community organization skills and civic engagement strategies.

PUB ADM 720. Nonprofit Administration and Theory. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview of the context of nonprofits and their role in society, key leadership and management issues of the sector, and prominent nonprofit theories.

PUB ADM 725. Fund Development and Grant Writing. 3 Credits.

Provides an overview of different types of fund development for nonprofit organizations as well as an in-depth and applied practice in grant writing.
Fall Only.

PUB ADM 730. Nonprofit Boards and Governance. 3 Credits.

This course is for learners who aspire to serve on or facilitate a nonprofit board of directors. In this course, you will learn the role of the board in strategic management, oversight, and securing resources, and the common governance issues boards face. You will consider what a 'high performing' board looks like, how to recruit, orient, and develop new board members, and build a board meeting agenda. We will use multiple learning methods such as case studies, guest speakers, student presentations, writing assignments and live discussions to better understand the governance of a nonprofit organization. Students will work on individualized projects to advance their knowledge of boards of directors.
Fall Odd.

PUB ADM 735. Strategic Planning. 3 Credits.

Focuses on the theory and practice of strategic planning and introduces basic concepts of the planning process in public service organizations.

PUB ADM 740. Applied Concepts for Practitioners. 3 Credits.

This course is designed for practitioners already working in the public and nonprofit sectors. The course provides an opportunity for the discussion, review, and assessment of a range of foundational theories, skills, and tools in public administration, while simultaneously allowing for their application to the organizations where students are employed or have been employed in the past.
P: Completion of 18 graduate credits in the program.

PUB ADM 783. SELECTED TOPICS. 1-4 Credits.

This course is designed for topics that are not part of the regular curriculum.

PUB ADM 797. Internship in Public Service. 3 Credits.

Faculty supervised practical experience in a public or nonprofit organization that provides students with meaningful leadership and management experience.
P: 3.00 cumulative GPA; minimum of 12 completed graduate credits.

PUB ADM 798. Independent Study. 3 Credits.

An independent study is offered on a case-by-case basis at the student's request and faculty approval. The course consists of a set of learning activities around a given topic planned by or in consultation with a faculty member. The student's advisor can direct him or her to instructors with appropriate interests.