English (ENGLISH)


ENGLISH 502. Short Fiction Writing Workshop. 3 Credits.

A graduate-level practice in the writing of short fiction, including group criticism of student work. Course is repeatable for credit; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
Spring Even.

ENGLISH 504. Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop. 3 Credits.

A graduate-level workshop course that entails advanced study and writing of creative nonfiction genres such as memoir, essay, book review, and interview.
Fall Odd.

ENGLISH 510. Topics in Game Writing. 3 Credits.

Advanced study and workshop of digital and analog genres incorporating the structural and formal elements of game design, including individual and group criticism of student work. Topics may include digital writing, interactive literature, transmedia work, collaborative worldbuilding, and more. Course is repeatable for credit if topics differ; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
Fall and Spring.

ENGLISH 515. The British Novel. 3 Credits.

A graduate-level course that focuses on texts in relation to their time period or literary movement. Course is repeatable for credit as topics differ; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 earned credits.
Fall Only.

ENGLISH 519. Children's and Adolescent Literature. 3 Credits.

A graduate-level survey of literature for children (0-17) focused on techniques of literary study, social contexts of literature, new developments in the field of study, and criteria for evaluating the quality and meaning of fiction and novels, picture books, fairy tales, nonfiction texts, poetry, and plays.

ENGLISH 531. Major American Prose. 3 Credits.

A graduate course that focuses study on American prose fiction including examples of novels, short stories and satire; includes works by such authors as Melville, Twain, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Wright and Bellow. Course is repeatable for credit if topics differ; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 earned credits.

ENGLISH 535. Literary Eras. 3 Credits.

A graduate-level course that focuses on texts in relation to their time period or literary movement. Course is repeatable for credit as topics differ. May be taken 2 times for a total of 6 earned credits.
Fall Even.

ENGLISH 536. American Ethnic Literature. 3 Credits.

A graduate-level course focused on American authors of racially and ethnically-diverse backgrounds. May focus on one or more communities.
Spring Even.

ENGLISH 731. Advanced Topics in Shakespeare. 3 Credits.

Advanced exploration of the historical context, printing, scholarship, and staging of Shakespeare's plays in a variety of genres, working toward a robust final project.
P: completed BA, BFA, or BS or permission of Instructor.

ENGLISH 736. Advanced Study of Major Figures. 3 Credits.

Advanced exploration of the historical context, criticism, scholarship, and legacy of an iconic literary figure (i.e., Sherlock Holmes) or a major author (i.e., Toni Morrison). Course is repeatable for credit if topics differ; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
P: completed BA, BFA, or BS; or permission of Instructor.

ENGLISH 764. Advanced Topics in Literature. 3 Credits.

Advanced study of topics, through literature, with a focus on literary forms, historical contexts, scholarly research, and analysis. Topics may include subjects (i.e., the illustrated book), genres (i.e., mysteries), themes (i.e., LGBTQ identity), and adaptations (i.e., Cinderella from Grimm to gif). Course is repeatable for credit if topics differ; may be taken 2 times for a total of 6 credits.
P: Completed BA, BFA, or BS.