Environmental Policy & Planning (EPP)
EPP 579. Natural Resource Policy, Law, and Administration. 3 Credits.
This course examines public land and resources policy, law and administration from multiple perspectives. It covers environmental and administrative decision making and various contemporary resource management problems and conflicts. A number of substantive policy areas are examined including national forests, public rangelands, wildlife and biodiversity, and protected areas, among others. These substantive areas are approached and analyzed in a number of different ways.
P: graduate status.
EPP 650. Advanced Geographic Information Systems. 3 Credits.
Project-based course using ARC/INFO software. Students adopt a study area, develop data layers, analyze these data and develop GIS maps showing results of the analysis.
P: graduate status
EPP 652. Planning Theory and Methods. 3 Credits.
Planning for public and not-for-profit agencies: theory and practical significance of planning; the political and administrative setting of planning operations; and methods of planning analysis such as strategic planning.
P: graduate status